Get to know us!
- About us - Mutua Universal
- Organisation and Governance
- Sustainability
- Transparency and Good Governance
- Institutional information, Organisational and Planning
- Economic, budgetary and statistical information
- Functions and regulations
- Contracts and contracting statistics
- Organisational structure
- Agreements and subsidies
- Annual accounts and audit reports
- Remuneration of senior executives
- Budgets and indicators
- Mutua Universal centres
- Work for us
- Contractor profile
- Innovación y Salud Prize
- Care model
- Back school
- Biomechanics laboratory
- Collaboration agreements with other mutual societies
- Centralised management model, based on processes and quality
- Helpline 24/365. Línea Universal
- Online Clinic
- Online clinic Company
- Next generation rehabilitation equipment
- Territorial centres and coverage
- Mutual Society on your mobile phone. The Mutua Universal App
- Digital radiology in all our centres
- Cardiac rehabilitation
- AlterG anti-gravity treadmill
- Telerehabilitation
- Psychology unit
- Rated according to health care and management
- Excellent advanced medicine services
- Prevention management
- Asbestos
- Heat
- Advice on health and safety at work
- Risk prevention tools and resources
- Psychological stress and well-being
- Biological risk
- Coronavirus 2019
- Royal-Decree Law 11/2021
- Royal Decree-Law 30/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 20/2020
- Network News newsletters
- Royal Decrees Coronavirus
- Spanish agency of details
- Royal Decree-Law 8/2020
- Extraordinary benefit for self-employed workers affected by the crisis brought about by the COVID-19
- Questions ERTE coronavirus
- Questions and answers on the new one coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
- Royal Decree-Law 18/2020
- Royal Decree 465/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 13/2020
- Royal Decree 463/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 15/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 16/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 17/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 19/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 21/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 27/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 28/2020
- Indoor air management Coronavirus
- Royal-Decree Law 6/2020
- Royal-Decree Law 7/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 10/2020
- Royal Decree-Law 11/2020
- Social measure Royal Decree for reactivation of the employment
- Royal Decree-Law 2/2021
- Royal Decree-Law 9/2020
- Advice for a good mental health during the management of COVID-19
- Face loss loved one
- Work and coexist from house
- Knows the wintry virus
- Wintry virus prevention
- Wintry virus prevention in workers
- Prevention virus in company
- Coronavirus 2019
- Musculoskeletal health
- Healthy works: Alert when dealing with hazardous substances
- Prevention of cardiovascular risk
- Exposure to carcinogens
- Road safety
- Healthy works campaign
- Programmes for reducing the accident rate
- Advice and awareness raising
- Risk Prevention Consulting
- Prevention: consultancy
- Prevention awareness raising
- Prevention_awareness_campaigns
- Prevention_awareness_talks
- Prevention_awareness_universal circuit
- Laboratory
- Working online
- Coordinación de actividades empresariales
- Prevention technicians' map
- Calculator displacement costs
- Tools
- Training
- Occupational Risk Prevention for SMEs
- MAIN PART - What is Occupational Risk Prevention?
- ROOTS - What is it based on?
- Organisational Prevention Models
- Adopting Preventative Practices
- Ergonomics
- Applied psychosociology
- Industrial hygiene
- Health surveillance
- Participation and consultation with workers
- Financial cost of accidents
- Legal liabilities in ORP
- Jurisprudence in ORP
- Companies and organisations that can help you
- Index of Royal Decrees being implemented for the Occupational Risk Prevention Act
- BRANCHES - What activities it is necessary to carry out?
- Prevention plan
- Risk Assessment
- Planning the Preventive Activity. Preventive Measures
- Incident investigation
- Information in PRL
- Training in PRL
- Personal protective equipment
- Periodic controls
- Preventive resources in person in the performance of dangerous works
- Follow-up and analysis of the accident rate
- Emergency measures
- Incidence and Change management: New workers, change of positions, especially sensitive workers
- Incidence and Change management: Work teams' purchase and its sure incorporation in the company
- Incidence and Change management: New facilities or modifications of the existing ones
- Incidence and Change management: Dangerous chemical acquisition
- Coordinación de Actividades Empresariales
- Written instructions of task
- Chart stock summary to be taken when a change or incidence is produced
- What can find in Mutua Universal to help him?
- Glossary
- Facebook Ad
- Healthy Company
- Social aid
- Cash benefits
- Benefit for temporary disability
- Benefit for temporary disability
- About the benefits for death or survival
- Benefit for risk in pregnancy
- Subsidy for risk during breastfeeding
- Benefit for caring for minors suffering from cancer or other serious diseases
- Provision for non-work-related injury or disease
- Provision for non-work-related injury or disease
- Cessation of activity benefit for self-employed workers
- IMS (permanent disability, death, and survival)
- Social aid
- Innovation
Mutual society for...
- Companies
- Self-employed workers/ace
- Caused damages measure by DANA
- revision applications
- extraordinary measures cumbre vieja
- Social benefits for self-employed workers
- Provision for self-employed workers affected by the crisis brought about by the COVID-19
- Calculator articulate 7
- FAQs
- New criterion prestacion extraordinary hospitality industry
- Exemption of contribution
- Extraordinary benefit for self-employed workers affected by the crisis brought about by the COVID-19
- Ordinary provision of compatible cessation of activity with the work on a self-employed basis
- Social measure Royal Decree for reactivation of the employment
- Consultancies
- Workers/ace
Attention to mutual society member
- Complaints and claims
- Help with Procedures
- Social aid
- Medical care form
- I want to present my application of the Bonus
- I am a company and I want to join
- I am a self-employed worker and I wish to become affiliated
- What should I do in the event of a work-related injury?
- Common illnesses and Non-work-related injuries
- Risk during Pregnancy and Risk during Breastfeeding
- Termination of Activity of Self-employed Workers
- Fee-paying application direct by extinction
- Fee-paying application direct by Temporary Disability
- Benefit for care of minors
- Economic coverage for non work-related accidents or diseases
- FAQs
- Contact
- Get affiliated
- User rights and duties
- Helpline
- Private Account
- Mutua Universal in the network
- Work Calendar 2016
- Work Calendar 2017