Legal Notice - Mutua Universal

Published on: 03/08/2015

1. Tax identification

In compliance with that established in the article 10 of the Act 34/2002, of 11 July, of services of the information society and of e-commerce, puts on of manifesto that MUTUAL UNIVERSAL MUGENAT, Collaborative Mutual Society with the Social Security Institute number.10 (hereinafter MUTUAL SOCIETY), with VAT NUMBER G08242463, has its registered office and district attorney in Av. Tibidabo 17-19, 08022 Barcelona.

MUTUAL SOCIETY is registered with the number ten in the Record of Collaborating Bodies of the Social Security Institute of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security Institute.

MUTUAL SOCIETY is titular of the domain name, just as subauthorities or web portals depending from this (hereinafter authorities). Email general Steering System of contact is

2. General Terms and Conditions

The use of the website involves expresses it and full acceptance of the conditions here exposed, without prejudice to those individuals that they could apply to some offered specific services via the space Website. MUTUAL SOCIETY reserves the right of modifying at any time the presents conditions of use as well as whatever other special conditions.

3. Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

MUTUAL SOCIETY is titular of all industrial property rights and intellectual of the material published in corresponding websites of authorities. These rights protect the graphic designs, images, source codes, content and other elements. All of this, with exception of the rights that they are not owned by MUTUAL SOCIETY and that they belong to its respective holders.

Out of the simple download activity and storage in the hard disk of the person (hereinafter the user/s) that it accesses the information contained on the websites of the authorities of MUTUAL SOCIETY, that is considered authorised, is strictly forbidden to modify, to distribute, to reuse or to forward everything or part of the content of the authorities' websites of MUTUAL SOCIETY for public character intentions or agent without the MUTUAL SOCIETY'Swritten authorisation.

Activities that breach the aforementioned provisions may constitute a violation of the intellectual and industrial property protection rights under the Revised Text of the Spanish Intellectual Property Law (Texto Refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual - TRLPI), giving rise to the offences set forth in Articles 270, et seq. and related articles of the Spanish Penal Code currently in force.

4. Documents Contained on Websites

Documents and graphic annexes to the same that located at websites of the authorities of MUTUAL SOCIETY are found will be able to be modified at any time, without the need for previous communication by MUTUAL SOCIETY.

MUTUAL SOCIETY does not guarantee the suitability of the content of these documents and graphic annexes, which is why it does not answer when it takes place this lack of suitability - in typographic typeface suppositions such as errors -, nor of the use that of these documents does the user receiver, which will assume all the risk that they could derive of their use. MUTUAL SOCIETY will not be responsible for details and disservices that they could derive of this use.

5. Links to Third-Party Websites

MUTUAL SOCIETY gives to the user the access to other third party sites through links (links) with the exclusive aim of informing on other information sources' existence in Internet with which will be able to expand details that on the websites of the authorities of MUTUAL SOCIETYoffer him to him. These links to other websites do not suppose in no case a suggestion or recommendation of visiting websites of destination, that are found out of the control of MUTUAL SOCIETY, which is why MUTUAL SOCIETY will not be responsible for the content of the linked websites nor of the result by the user via these hypertextual links. Similarly, MUTUAL SOCIETY will not reply of links or links located at the spaces linked to those which provides the access.

6. Restricted Access Areas of Websites

Certain websites of the authorities of MUTUAL SOCIETY have a restricted section to registered users. Users are notified of the conditions of use, responsibilities and other aspects derived from the use of these areas at the time of registration.

7. Limitation of Liability

In no MUTUAL case, its suppliers or the third parties reflected in websites of the authorities will be responsible for damages of any type (including, among others, consequential damages of profit losses, business data loss or interruption) that they result of the use, impossibility of use or of results of the websites' use of authorities, any connected website to these or of materials or information contained in whatever of these pages, already is based this responsibility under guarantee, contract, blame or negligence, or any other legal theory, and regardless of that has been told or not on such damages' possibility. If the use by the user of materials or information of the websites of the domains means that a service is required, or the equipment or data need to be repaired or corrected, the above-mentioned user will be responsible for such costs.

Practical guides and or recommendations in the area of health and safety, are by no means a replacement for the criteria of your physician and their sole purpose is to raise awareness regarding the benefits of a good personal preventive attitude, as well as best practice, based on the most up-to-date and reliable information. Advice provided regarding healthy habits and lifestyles have proved useful in well-designed and implemented studies. If, in one of our texts, we advise you to consult your physician, please do not hesitate to do so as soon as possible, since early prevention will offer the best quality of life and health in the short, medium and long term.

8. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

For the resolution of all controversies or matters related to the present website or to activities developed in the same, Spanish legislation will be applicable, to which both parties are expressly subjected, and the Courts of the city of Barcelona are competent for the resolution of all derived or related conflicts to its use.