Committed to Sustainability

Published on: 28/12/2017

The Sustainability of Mutua Universal is understood from our contribution to the improvement of the health and the well-being of people, of the society and of the planet.

The major challenges related to the health and the well-being to those which nowadays faces our society, us push to strengthen our commitment with the Corporate Social Responsibility and the Sustainability and to demand us to work of more responsible way in each one of our activities as collaborative Mutual Society with the Social Security Institute.

In this new context, criteria ASG or ESG, in English ‘Environmental, Social and Governance’ (environmental, social and of governance) have acquired a major relevance in recent years.

In our case, these criteria us serve of guide to evolve our policies and management, not only on the basis of the economic impact, but instead pursuing also a social impact and environmental.

Via our social responsibility stock contribute to promote the welfare state and to move forward towards a society and a more competitive economy, productive and healthy. Our objective is to do of Mutua Universal a more committed company, efficient and managed good, that it looks after needs and our interest groups' health, contributing thus to the sustainability of the health system and to Objectives of Sustainable Development.

Published on: 24/05/2022



Plan of CSR and Sustainability 2021-2024

Published on: 28/12/2017

“Acting in the present, thinking in the future”, because we assume the definition of Sustainability of guaranteeing needs of the present without compromising to future generations, without giving up to none of the three essential pillars: the environmental protection, the social development and the economic growth.

Via Plan of CSR and Sustainability 2021-2024 want to move forward towards a sustainable transformation and to strengthen environmental aspects, social, ethical and of corporate good governance (ASG) in our day-to-day running.




4 axes of commitment

Plan has 4 CSRcommitment axes, putting the focus in the health:

  • Healthy people: we commit to the health and the well-being of people in and out of the workplace.
  • Healthy Company: we commit to the Good Governance, the transparency, the ethics and the innovation to give an excellent service.
  • Healthy society: we promote a culture of equality, inclusion and accessibility, and direct our social action towards the care of people.
  • Healthy planet: we promote an efficient management and person responsible for resources minimising the impact in the planet.
Published on: 02/06/2022



Mutua Universal and Objectives of Sustainable Development

Published on: 22/02/2018

Objectives of Sustainable Development (ODS) are a set of 17 objectives, approved by the UN, that is urged to fulfill to the governments, to the private sector and to the civil society in order to to eradicate the poverty, to ensure the prosperity and to protect the planet.

In our Company we follow a responsible behaviour that takes care of the people, companies and the environment. As part of our commitment, have proposed us to announce in what consist these Objectives and which are initiatives with which Mutua Universal wants to contribute to its achievement.