EU-OSHA campaign. Sure and healthy work in the digital age (2023-2025)

Published on: 19/10/2023

We live in a society in which the new work types, promoted by the use of new technologies and the digitisation, have transformed in very little time our way of living and working. We talk of realities already present in our environment as the Work in Digital Platforms (TPD), the automation of tasks, the work in remote, the robotics or the use of the artificial intelligence, among others.

Healthy sure work digitalTaking into account opportunities and challenges of this stage as well as risks and impact in the health and safety of the working population, the European Agency for the Security and the Health at Work (EU-OSHA), presents the biennial campaign 2023-2025, Healthy Works with the slogan “Sure and Healthy work in the digital age”.

The objective it is to promote a digital sure transformation and productive in the world of the work with an approach concentrating onpeople.

This campaign is aligned so much with the approach of «Vision Zero» of the European Commission to eradicate the occupational mortality as with the objectives of the Digital Strategy European, concentrating on achieve that this transformation is at the service of people and companies.

Agenda: key dates

We emphasise below the main landmarks of this campaign, that it starts in this month of October 2023, with the launch of its website space and the beginning of the Awards to the Good Work experience programs, and it will finish in November 2025:

  • 15 October 2024: example presentation deadline of Good Work experience programs to participate in the Awards.
  • April 2025: Award winning announcement Good Work experience programs.
  • November 2025: completion of the Campaign healthy Works biennial ": sure and healthy work in the digital age ". And award delivery ceremony.


Priorities areas of the campaign

Published on: 19/10/2023