About us - Mutua Universal

Published on: 31/07/2015

Mutua Universal, Mugenat, collaborative mutual society with the Social Security Institute, number. 10, is a common-law trust of companies that, non-profit, is constituted legally as collaborating with the Social Security Institute with the joint liability of the associated companies.

Published on: 17/02/2016

Mutua Universal provides the services assigned to mutual societies through its own management model, which is geared towards the greatest benefits and based on the principles of universality, excellence, innovation and technology, and proximity.

The Company maintains in force principles that they have characterised it throughout its more than 110 years of history, adapting its management model to the reality and needs of the current companies in order to participating, through an excellent assitance quality, in the improvement of the productivity and the high performance teams maintenance.


It was constituted on 3 May 1907 as the MUTUA GENERAL DE SEGUROS. Its current name, MUTUA UNIVERSAL MUGENAT, was decided by the General Board meeting held on 30 March 1993, with the change being approved on 12 May 1993, by Resolution of the Directorate General of Legal Regulation and Partnering Bodies of the Social Security.

It has been registered in the Register of Partnering Bodies, with the number 10, since 17 December 1968, with definitive authorisation to collaborate in the administration of Social Security granted on 13 December 1968.


Strategic Plan 2021-2024
“The Mutual Society of people. We collaborate innovating”

Published on: 28/07/2022

The plan is structured in four strategic pillars, that they situate to the people in the centre of all Mutua Universal's activities. Under the slogan “The Mutual Society of people. We collaborate innovating”, its overall objective it is to humanise the health and the digitisation through customised services for each of the interest groups with which the Company is related.

Customised and proposed medicine of all-inclusive value to the mutual society member; Acceleration of the digital transformation; Active agents of the Health system and Social Security Institute: and Culture concentrating on people are the main pillars. Between the aims generals emphasise the development of a welfare model based on the humanisation and the customisation, the boost of the digital relationship with interest groups, the valuation of differential aspects of the Company (transparency and good governance, sustainability, collaboration with administrations and sector) and the evolution of the model of initiated corporate culture in recent years.

These stock also deepen in the vocation of Mutua Universal of being a collaborating body in the management of the all-inclusive health of the companies and protected workers, as well as in the sustainability of the system.


The definition of the Strategic Plan 2021-2024 carried out is had starting from a new collaborative methodology and agile, that it highlights the new talent of Mutua Universal. On one hand, a team formed by the organisation's youngest staff analysed general thrusts of evolution of the sector, with the aim of setting strategic long term axes (“Vision 2030”). Below, working groups were formed that they defined projects of the new strategy through a methodology aimed at projects.