How to face the loss of a loved one

Published on: 16/03/2020
face loss loved one

The loss of a loved one is one very painful experience of life, difficult and staff. The situation of isolation in which are we impede accompanying to our relatives, to carry out ceremonies of farewell, to show affection and to receive support. In addition, this happens after a distressing wait that it can have us weakened.

We want accompany you at this time so delicate. Your feelings' expression is significant so that the mourning does not block you and it impedes to continue with your life.




What us happens?

Published on: 16/03/2020
familiar mourning

We can feel changing and contradictory emotions, in addition to painful:

  • Difficulty to believe that the lost one is actual
  • Rage because things would have credit been otherwise.
  • Blame for not having accompanied as it would had liked me.
  • Pain for not honored credit its report with a farewell.
  • Sadness, loneliness when being gated.
  • Fear to be not capable to face the life without our loved one.

All they are normal reactions, every person it experiences to its way.




What can we do?

Published on: 16/03/2020
family support

Express the pain us assistance to free it and leave it back.

  • We are isolated, but not alone, looks for support in your reliable circle, using the technology, some words of fondness are as a caress and they mitigate the loneliness.
  • You can need be with you, do it, but avoids to isolate you.
  • Takes care which you share in social networks, avoids false news that generate uneasiness and dread.
  • Booking moments of on the day to vent the pain. Carry out Full Attention exercises (mindfulness) every day, can help you to have calm. 
  • Maintain habits of autocare and it carries out activities, although the memory this always current.

  • It can help you the to carry out some farewell or act ritual symbolic for single that it is, online or in the intimacy. Provides the elaboration of the loss.
  • Recuerda that this situation is temporary and later will be able to carry out the act of farewell that it would had liked you.
  • Take care you and leave you to take care for the rest of them, if the malaise persists or it worsens enquiry with a health professional.
  • If there are children in the family environment to communicate them the news can fret. how can do it?

    - We can explain the truth, facts, using simple and suitable words to its age; avoiding details unnecessary or that they can confuse them.

    - Broadcast them security with a close attitude and in a reassuring tone.

    - Them also need to participate somehow of the familiar mourning and to see off that person (to do him a drawing, to sing him a song, etc.)

    - Listen them, do them to feel wrapped and realised. It provides attention to its questions helping them to express its feelings.

We can feel us sad or culprits for not having accompanied, but remembers that this act of renunciation avoids the contagion and protects to the rest of them. Have presents the many shared moments throughout all the life. The pain will not last always but the memory and the love for that person, yes.