It works in Mutua Universal

Published on: 03/08/2015

Our people drive our excellence

Intellectual capital is the driving force of our model. For this reason, we are determined to provide the necessary means to strengthen it through continuous training programmes aimed at professionals throughout Spain.

universal mutual team 2023

Published on: 16/09/2021

With a presence throughout Spain.

Our broad welfare centre network own, together with two hospitable Control areas in Madrid and Barcelona and two intermutual centres, we allow having presence in all provinces of Spain, offering thus a close and direct treatment.

We provide health care and health management services throughout the country.

Published on: 16/09/2021

Innovation and talent

Our all-inclusive health model and customised is maintained in two pillars: 

  • The commitment for the innovation and the technology in the implementation and service and product evolution



  • The continuous training of the our people, to develop talents.

We are referring of training

- We drive the continuous training and the professional development

- Constant training plan

- Itineraries of training adapted to the technical specialisation

- Internal trainer' programmes

- Programmes for aids of study and share in sectorial congresses

Our value proposal



Published on: 26/04/2024

Commitment with our team

Published on: 25/04/2024

We take care of you

Occupational health

Published on: 25/04/2024

The person as an approach of our activity

Satisfaction of the people employees

Published on: 25/04/2024

We grow together

Talent development

Published on: 25/04/2024

We bet for a stable work


Published on: 25/04/2024

Moving forward as a team


Published on: 25/04/2024

Corporate incomes

Added value

Published on: 16/09/2021

Join our team

Published on: 16/09/2021

Additionally can send us your curriculum to* and to ensure your inclusion in our candidate base.

* Mutua Universal fulfills strictly with the current legislation with regard to data protection. Your details will be treated in the strictest confidence. Knows our privacy policy .