Exoskeletons. Myths, legends and certainties

Published on: 13/08/2020

The exoesqueletos industrial are devices designed for attend people in the tasks that they carry out usually in its work positions. Its objective is to protect and to provide assistance to prevent excessive efforts and to minimise the fatigue.

There are some myths that they present them as magical solutions and that they provide to the exoesqueletos of certain powers as that ”lyou musculoskeletal problems 80%will be reduced”, that ”workers will charge sacks of 50 Kg without fatiguingor that ”toumentará the production with less personal”. However, with the current development of this technology these extremes are not reached, but yes it is fair to say that they are designed in order to to help to the user in its work position and that really help in the development of some tasks, although it is necessary to take into account the impact for its implementation and the possible negative side effects generation.

It is significant therefore to know what are it exoesqueletos and for what serve exactly, as well as to carry out a deep analysis of its convenience and to have well-chosen indications of how to introduce them in a company.

Published on: 13/08/2020

Are you planning to introduce an exoskeleton into your company?

The same as any new work team, the introduction of an exoesqueleto entails changes that generate an impact so much in the person user as in its partners and environment. As it affects the general performance of the company, its introduction should be made with some caution. Before including an exoesqueleto it is significant to consider different aspects that they help us to consider which is the better choice and to check the suitability of the device.

Do I really need an exoskeleton?

And if it is necessary, what is the appropriate exoskeleton?

What impact can the exoskeleton have?

Will it be suitable for the job?

How can I facilitate its implementation?