Application for direct payment of benefit for temporary disability 12/18 months

In virtue of the articles 169 and 170 of the Legislative Royal Decree 8/2015, of 30 October, the direct payment of the temporary disability 12/18 months consists of that the collaborative mutual society with the Social Security Institute pays directly to the hard-working person that is found of medical discharge , whether it is for non work-related injury or disease or professional, the payment corresponding to the temporary disability allowance starting from 365 days in situation of temporary disability, extendable to other 180 days, as long as it is shown off that during this time the hard-working person can be registered for healing, being the National Institute of Social Security Institute (INSS) the only competent organisation to determine the situation of the person worker.

From the day the resolution is determined by this body, the obligation of the company to make social security payments for temporary disability ('subsidised' payment mode). The mutual society collaborating with the Social Security will directly pay the benefit corresponding ('direct' payment mode) during the period from the date of effect of the INSS resolution and until the discharge date. 

Who can request this provision?

They will be able to request the direct payment for temporary disability 12/18 months the people insured workers by Mutua Universal that are found in medicalleave , whether it is for non work-related injury or disease or professional, in following suppositions:

  • After 365 days of temporary disability, provided that during this time the worker may be discharged, and from the date of the resolution determined by the INSS and during the period from the date of effect of this resolution until the discharge date.

Process the provision

Direct payment of temporary disability due to termination of contract consists in the mutual society collaborating with the Social Security paying directly the benefit for temporary disability to the worker who is on medical leave, either due to a common or occupational contingency, once the contract has been terminated or cancelled. 

Who can request this provision?

They will be able to request the direct payment of the temporary disability those hard-working people included in the general scheme that are of medical discharge and are found in some following suppositions

  • Extinction of contract.
  • Dismissal.
  • Collective Dismissal Proceeding (COLLECTIVE DISMISSAL PROCEEDING) of extinction.
  • Dossier of Regulation Temporary of Employment (ERTE) of suspension of days.
  • Dossier of Regulation Temporary of Employment (ERTE) of reduction in working hours.
  • Fixed discontinuous.

Process the provision