Psychological and stress well-being

Published on: 12/11/2018

Maintain a good relationship with ourselves and which consequently us surrounds is fundamental to feel us good.

The well-being is very related to ways in which people face vital challenges. When us feel good, have more motivation to take care us, to feed us better or remain bouncier physically; and at the same time when we take a way of life that adds a healthy diet or a suitable break, for example, this does that we experience with more probability positive emotions.

Manage the stress it is to have control on the life, be able to use us in an effective way and to guarantee a personal operation optimum.

It is of vital importance to help to the people namely to use before situations of stress.

Published on: 17/01/2019

And that involves not only that they take conscience of that certain habits' adoption and lifestyles will improve its well-being perception. But instead that, to organizational level, it is significant to act in such a way that the person receives as less menacing the possible imbalance situations of its working environment.

In Mutua Universal together with our associated companies work in the improvement of the overall health, the well-being and our insured workers people' quality of life.