The exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 crisis can generate difficult and unpleasant emotions, such as confusion, fear, anguish or sadness, in varying intensity and frequency. All of them are a natural response and adaptativa of our organisation: its function is to help us to face successfully the new reality, to understand her and to accept her, just as has been presented. Because of this results key to manage them and to turn them in a series of guidelines that they allow us, gradually and without “handbook of instructions”, adapt us to new circumstances of the situation and to its evolution.
With this objective have prepared and organised by specific content some indications that expect you will help to go introducing gradually those guidelines so significant.
Revise them and adapt them to your needs or circumstances, without demanding beyond the possible thing.
In a situation of threat and of isolation, to feel bewilderment, fear, sadness and even rage is normal. It is a natural reply of defense that active our organisation that us assistance to respect protective measures and to be cagey. All these emotions, normal, can be ineffective when are lived in a very intense way or recurring and do not help to face the situation, then our body is messed up and it generates an emotional distress that it is not adaptativo.
In crisis situations or emergency the change that is produced, more or less significant, alters our habits and routines. This generates disorientation in our brain, as well as need of recovering the stability and routine as soon as possible.
We can help him organising small daily activities waiting for recovering the normality. This him will allow grasping to the well-known thing, insurance and predecible again.
If we focus the situation with flexibility and considering that we are adapting us, without demanding nor demand us excessively (even using sometimes the sense of humour), will be able to happen of a reaction of defense a state from cooperation that strengthens the self-control.
For this we have to generate good autocare routines and to take care our social relations since they are our own strengths.
In clutch situations need to grasp us to the well-known thing, insurance and predecible; when there is a sharp change in our habits, the brain is disoriented, needs stability and to return to its routine. We can help him organising small daily activities waiting for recovering the normality.
For these moments fundamental priorities hone in on those routines that help to preserve the health psychophysics: guarantee a food conduct ordinate and healthy, to generate activity during the day, to rest to recover us of the effort physique-emotional via the dream, and to channel the energy or tension via physical activity, handbook or of distraction.
It is significant that we carry out routines that they can help us in this situation: basic routines, of activity, of information, of teleworking, social, of coexistence and autocare.