Accident rate management programme

Published on: 08/01/2016

Management programs of the accident rate respond to the companies whose incidence in this problems do not answer to a pattern that allows the application of programmes more estadarizados.

In such cases, the company has to confront an accident rate that is generated by several causes that affect each other. For this reason, it is difficult to find efficient solutions. Just with an analysis by skilled people you can introduce solutions that have an actual impact. In these cases, we implement a Strategic Plan to reduce the accident rate in the company. 

A flexible, coherent, professional action plan

Accident rate management programme

Action plans are structured in different phases to maximise its effectiveness and I return. These plans have a minimum duration of 12 months:

  1. Previous analysis of the accident rate
    Our prevention technical staff elaborates a report of accident rate in which analyses the volume and type of work-related accidents and occupational diseases.

  2. Visit to the company
    A meeting is arranged with the person contact person of the company to explain him the initial diagnosis and the proposal of collaboration for the reduction of the accident rate.

  3. Critical point diagnosis and preparation of the action plan
    Our technical person of prevention analyses in depth reasons and factors that they influence in the accident rate, elaborates a diagnosis and it proposes an action plan that covers a period out of 12 and 24 months.

    All the activities mentioned in the Act of risk prevention at work as a business responsibility are developed by the company via the organisational type of risk prevention at work that this has adopted.

  4. Starting up of the programme
    Development of actions and monitoring in regular meetings.

  5. Permanent advice
    Our adviser prevention technical staff at all times to the people people responsible for the company on any aspect of the plan and of evolution of the accident rate.