Management of risk prevention for improving productivity

Published on: 09/11/2015

Prevention services us turn in a strategic collaborator for the high performance teams maintenance in the Spanish companies.

Together with the coverage of financial and health benefits, the current law recognises and promotes the preventive work of mutual societies to advise companies on reducing the accident rate and occupational risk prevention.

Services adapted to any company

The health care and management model of Mutua Universal allows the products and services to be adapted to companies of any size and activity sector right from the beginning with customised care and constant collaboration.

How can we contribute to the competitiveness and productivity of companies?

The impact of the economic crisis and the development of new technologies, among other factors, are causing a structural change in the Spanish business network. Companies of all dimensions and sectors require innovative, highly efficient solutions and to develop and maintain teams of high performance that contribute to promote their competitiveness.

To guarantee its continuity, these teams must remain united, motivated and with good health, which consequently the prevention of risks and the agility in the rehabilitation of the people workers are processes increasingly relevant.

Within the legal framework in force, we develop consulting programmes and activities, and technical and health care guidance so that member companies can carry out effective management with regard to preventing work-related accidents and occupational diseases.

It contacts with your person interlocutor in nearer prevention

Our occupational risk prevention complies with current legislation and our corporate goals

Published on: 13/01/2016
  • Act 35/2014, of 26 December, modifies the revised text of the General Social Security Act in relation to the legal regime of the Social Security Mutual Societies for Work-related Injuries and Occupational Diseases.
  • Collaboration Regulations, article 13. Pending review in accordance with Act 35/2014.
  • Royal Decree 860/2018, of 13 July, through which preventive activities of the protective action of the Social Security Institute are regulated to carry out by collaborative mutual societies with the Social Security Institute.
  • The State Secretary's Office for the Social Security's Annual Resolutions, through which the preventive activities to be made are determined by Mutual Societies of Work-Related Accidents: Preventive activities plan (PAP).

The preventive activities have to comply with the following aspects

  • They address to our associated companies, protected and people town self-employed workers associated with Mutua Universal
  • They do not generate subjective rights (i.e. subjects do not have the right to demand these activities be provided).
  • They will never substitute to the people employers in the course of obligations that as such had assigned.