Take care of your voice

Topics: Prevention
Published on: 13/03/2017

Disorders of the voice affect to professionals that they use it in a regular way for the performance of its work: teaching person, teams of customer service in call centres , people related to the prayer or the locution, etc. 

The prevalence of these disorders in the general population is of around 10%, whereas in the groups with a professional use of the voice reaches 45%.

It is estimated that seven of each ten cases of disorders of the voice are owed to:

  • Force the voice and bad habits when talking.
  • Use of a volume above the environmental noise.
  • Talk above the average skills of fonación.

The pathologies associated with the malfunction of the voice are:

  • Laryngitis.
  • Nodules in the vocal cords.
  • Polyps in the vocal cords.
  • Ulcers of contact.

The presentation of vowels disorders is associated mainly to individual factors of the person worker and to environmental factors or organisational of the company.

Mutua Universal has prepared an all-inclusive reply to prevent these disorders, through the online course professional Use of the voice, accessible exclusively for partners, that is complemented with the app Takes care your voice.

Professional Use course "of the voice"

The course is exclusively for partners and associated with Mutua Universal and it has as an objective to explain risks in the inadequate use of the voice and preventive measures to avoid them. Se accesses via the Cybercampus of Prevention of Mutua Universal.

Contents are presented with multitude of examples, videos and images that provide its understanding:

  • Basic concepts.
  • Illnesses with its associated symptoms.
  • Preventive measures to avoid them.
  • Exercises to take care and to prepare the voice before the beginning of the working day; it includes a broad videos collection demonstrative of exercises to take care and to strengthen the voice, to improve the diction and to prepare her before initiating the work. 

The course is available in four linguistic versions: Spanish, Catalan, Galician and English.

Completed the course, the student body can download the audiovisual one “Prevention in the professional use of the voice”, with contents of the course and a diptych with most important activities.

Additionally can download the App, perfect complement for this course, and to do exercises guiding with her.

App Takes care your voice

The application Takes care your voice appears of a series of easy exercises of carrying out directed to work the musculature of the device fonador, to improve the diction and to prepare it before initiating the work.

The objective of this application is to guide to the person in the development of exercises anywhere, particularly when is found in the previous moments to initiate a session of speaking.

Every exercise can last between 3 and 5 minutes. The person user can choose the amount of exercises that it wants do every time, selecting anyone who more benefit him, or it can carry out the option of entire sequence, in which drops over all exercises, with a total duration between 30 and 60 minutes.

Types of exercises that contains the application: 

1.       Generals.
2.       Breathe.
3.       Neck and shoulders.
4.       Jaw and facial muscles.
5.       Lingual musculature.
6.       Lips and cheeks.
7.       Resonance and warming exercises of the voice.
8.       Issuance of voice.
9.       Initiate entire sequence.

Here can see a demonstrative video of the operation of Takes care your voice, available application in Google Play and Apple Store.