Environmentally responsible

Published on: 12/01/2016
Published on: 19/02/2016

At Mutua Universal we promote policies, actions and projects to foster responsible behaviour with regard to the environment and sustainability. We do this through an environmental policy, awareness-raising driving initiatives that reduce waste, and a certified management system.


Mutua Universal promotes a responsible behaviour and respectful with the Environment via internalawareness campaigns, promoting the recycling, the responsible consumption patterns and the environmentaltraining.

The project of digitisation of the radiological image in all work centres has supposed the disappearance of chemists residues dangerous generated (liquids of revealed) minimising thus our environmental impact. On the other hand, the definite implementation of the Online Clinic has allowed a decrease of the need of displacements with the consequent reduction of CO2 emissions.

The commitment of Mutua Universal with the Environment is reflected in our Environmental Policy , concentrating on the development of stock directed to achieve a high respect on principles of protection of the Environment and the prevention of pollution.

In addition, also look after to add principles of efficiency, respectful and measured materials of reduction of energy consumption in our centres.

Management System

Mutua Universal, from 2006, has introduced the Environmental management System UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2004 (SGMA 14001) in its nationwide facilities.

Currently, the Environmental management System implemented in 137 work centres of Mutual Society is found, being 46 theirs certificates by the Certification Company EQA (European Quality Assurance)