We foster social health

Published on: 28/12/2015
Published on: 19/02/2016

Commitment to people

In Mutua Universal, we promote actions and projects that aim to have a positive effect on both the people that form our Company as well as insured workers, self-employed workers and society as a whole.

In Mutua Universal, there is a strong commitment to people, and this is why actions aimed at improving the quality of life and the well-being of its employees in their work positions are carried out; promoting a healthy work environment, equal opportunities, training and helping to reconcile a good work and family/personal life balance.

  • Our commitment to the Equality of people is materialised through the Equality Plan of Mutua Universal and the Equality Commission, as a platform of dialogue with the legal representatives of the workers, and in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality to move forward towards a higher and more balanced participation of women in positions of responsibility in companies.
  • Our commitment to Reconciliation is reasserted in the Reconciliation Plan which, following the family-responsible company management model, gathers a series of measures that promote the reconciliation of employees in their work and family life.
  • Our commitment to Diversity is reasserted in the Statement of respect for the person and their diversity and in its commitment to the Diversity Charter, a project of European dimension that entails the voluntary commitment of companies to support and enact the principles of inclusion of diversity and non-discrimination in the working environment.
  • Our commitment to a healthy working environment is reasserted in the Health and safety policy at work and in the commitment of Mutua Universal to the Luxembourg Declaration of the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion. This commitment assumes the acceptance of some basic principles of action and a point of reference for good health management of workers in the company.

In Mutua Universal, we do not only promote actions to benefit people at internal level. We also recognise associated companies that are committed to promoting health and improving the quality of life of people and leadership in the development of work environments that are both safe and healthy.

This is why we have created the Mutua Universal Health and Innovation Prizes (find out more), with the aim of distinguishing and awarding the work of companies that are highly committed to promoting health and that have carried out innovative actions or projects that represent an improvement in the quality of life and health of their workers, apart from complying with occupational risk prevention regulations.

Commitment to society

The best contribution of Mutua Universal to society is made from the responsible value of our own activity when promoting occupational health and prevention in our country, such as basic elements for human development and promoting, therefore, the state of well-being in society. Examples of initiatives with a clear component of social value are: 

  • Our Socio-professional reintegration programme, aimed at the reorientation and social and professional inclusion of people that have suffered a work-related injury or illness which prevents them from continuing to carry out their work and groups at risk of social exclusion.
  • The Special Benefits Committee, that manages the Budget for Social Assistance, studying and looking after situations of special need through concrete actions aimed at improving the protection of workers and/or their families.
  • The Prevea Programme, with the aim of reducing the accident rate in associated companies.

Mutua Universal goes beyond its work activity, creating programmes and actions that benefit society as a whole, such as the commitment to the initiative “Business for a Society Free to Violence of Genderof the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality. This commitment assumes support and involvement in awareness campaigns against gender violence.

In addition, since 2005, we have been participating in the United Nations Global Compact, a commitment with 10 principles regarding employment rights, social, environmental and non-corruption promoted by the United Nations so that companies and various organisations are involved in sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility at global level.

Social Action

In Mutua Universal, we promote the participation of employees in solidarity campaigns in favour of the more disadvantaged groups in our society, collaborating with non-profit organisations. Additionally, we make donations of furniture, equipment and materials (amortised and having cancelled all registrations, to comply with applicable legislation) that can be used again. This procedure is defined in our Donation Circuit, with the aim of giving a second life to these materials, minimising the volume of waste generated by Mutua Universal and favouring minority groups.

We also have a Corporate Voluntary Work Programme, whose objective is to promote a culture of collaboration and to make the staff aware of the social needs of other groups.