Support for the internationalisation of companies

Published on: 07/03/2022

Market globalisation pushes Spanish companies to undertake projects in third countries. It involves very often to move own workers and workers out of Spain.

Mutua Universal helps to associated companies in the processes that involves its internationalisation and the mobility of insured workers people contributing information and instruments with regard to:

It accesses the international standard

Published on: 29/05/2023

Through the system RED, as a novelty you can present an application of examination of the maintenance of the Spanish legislation in the temporary displacements from workers to European Union countries, of the European Economic Area (Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway), Switzerland and the United Kingdom (included Gibraltar).

The application you can present so much for employee' displacements as for self-employed worker' displacement included in the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers. This service is available exclusively in online type. Presented the application you will be able to obtain, if they arise requirements for this, the form PDA1 (or, where applicable, the IS-UK (GIB) for displacements to Gibraltar). The above-mentioned form will put on at the disposal of the company or, where applicable, the self-employed worker, on the following day of its request, through of notification in the E-Office of the Social Security Institute.

You will be able to request via this service the displacements of employees (included civil servants) or self-employed, that are found in some following situations:

  1. Workers initial displacements to European Union countries, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, under the protection of the Regulations of the European Union.
  2. Workers initial displacements to the United Kingdom in application of the Trade agreement and Cooperation between the European Union and the United Kingdom.
  3. Workers initial displacements to Gibraltar in application of the Royal Decree-Law 38/2020. Initial displacements are considered, for these purposes, anyone who in a continuing way or through extend consecutive, do not exceed the maximum period of 24 months, as well as the next ones:
  4. The displacements of sea workers, and
  5. The displacements of crew members of air transport companies that they have its bases on Spain, and
  6. Displacements of the suppositions' majority of employees or own that they practice its activity in two or more countries (excluded the territory of Gibraltar), and they reside in Spain, where they carry out a substantial part of its activity.

Applications of displacement that they can not be submitted to via the new service

You will not be able to request via this service and, therefore they, they should request via the actual service in the E-Office of the Social Security Institute, following displacements:

  1. Displacements under the protection of the Regulations of the European Union, the Trade agreement and Cooperation between the European Union and the United Kingdom and of the Royal Decree-Law 38/2020 in the case of Gibraltar: a. With regard to non included workers in system RED. b. With regard to workers whose displacement total period in the country of destination is higher than 24 months.
  2. Displacements under the protection of other Bilateral or Multilateral International Agreements for everything type of companies and workers.
  3. Taurine professional' displacements
  4. Worker' displacement included in the Special System for Employees of Household.
Published on: 29/05/2023


Mutua Universal helps to associated companies in the processes that involves its internationalisation and the mobility of insured workers people contributing information and instruments with regard to:

Published on: 15/02/2016

1. General aspects of risk prevention at work of the people displaced workers

Before moving to hard-working people out of Spain, it is precise to take into account certain aspects, as legal obligations with regard to applicable law, Social Security Institute's system, risk prevention at work, health surveillance and aspects related.

2. Preparation and administrative procedures prior to posting workers

In our "attention section to mutual society member" have carried out a detail of administrative steps and documentation to be completed before moving to a hard-working person.

3. Health precaution application to protect the human health displaced workers out of Spain

We put at your disposal the compendium Traveller/to Universal, where you will be able to learn more on health precautions that must apply the hard-working people that are moved to the foreigner, according to risks and conditions that they can find in other countries.

4. In the event of an accident...

In the event of an accident outside of Spain, you can use Línea Universal 900 203 203. From abroad 00 34 93 412 33 67.