What administrative administrative steps have to do and what documentation have to prepare before moving hard-working person out of Spain?

Below specified you the previous steps to be followed before the displacement of a hard-working person to the foreigner. In all cases they must fill in form TA300.

Countries in the EU, EEA (European Economic Area) or Switzerland:

Presentation by the hard-working person or the company of the form TA300 in front of the Administrations of the General Treasury of the Social Security. If you have a digital certificate or permanent Cl@ve, you can access the E-Office service to manage your application electronically, by electronic registration.
EU Member countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Rumania and Sweden.

Countries belonging to the EEE: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway.

Similarly, the worker owe have the (European Health Card) that will be owed to request via the INSS or telemáticamente.

Non-EU countries with Bilateral Agreement and Remaining Countries:

As well as form TA300, the additional form corresponding to each destination country must be filled in for the Central Treasury for Social Security.

Non-EU countries with bilateral agreement: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, the United States, Philippines, Morocco, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Russia, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Practical guide for workers posted abroad (European Commission).

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