Social criteria

Published on: 28/12/2017

We commit to the well-being of people and of the organisations, looking after its health, so much to internal level - our own staff -, as external - our protected and associated town -.

The commitment to society is inherent to our intention as a company. Via stock of responsible value contribute to move forward towards an economy and a society more inclusiva, competitive, productive and healthy.

People in charge with our and our mutual society member

Mutua Universal listens and it takes care of its mutual society member - associated companies, freelance, hard-working and protected workers people - and consultancies, via initiatives and commitments that they have as an objective to improve its day by day.

Starting from the knowledge of the needs of each company and its human capital, offer customised solutions that guarantee the optimum patients recovery and the improvement of the productivity and competitiveness of the organisations.

  • Innovation in profit of the health: we bet for technologies innovators in all products and services, as the OnlineClinic, the Antigravity Tape Alter-G, the Unit of Cardiac Rehabilitation or the Unit of Psychology.
  • Total management of the absenteeism: Mutua Universal offers its associated companies a system that allows the detection of the absenteeism's causes through the analysis of indicators and the application of measures adapted to every company in order to to reduce it.
  • Healthy company: in addition to accident rate reduction programmes, aimed at the reduction of the number of work-related accidents and occupational diseases directed to companies that they fulfill criteria of Planning of the Preventive Activity (PAP), Mutua Universal offers to its healthy advice associated companies to create atmospheres that they promote the health and that they can help in the personal skills development.
  • Health social work, reintegration in the social aspects of work and social benefits: Mutua Universal responds to the different situations of special need of the people injured people and its families via its aid catalogue, innovating constantly to adapt to emerging social requirements. The programme of reintegration in the social aspects of work , developed by the team of social work of Mutua Universal, addresses to the reorientation and social inclusion and work of the people injured workers and its families.

People in charge with our people

In Mutua Universal we develop policies and initiatives that respect the diversity and they promote the inclusion and the equal opportunities. We look after to create environments of more healthy work that promote the well-being and professional development of our staff.

  • In Mutua Universal are aware of the existing social-work reality and we recognise the conciliation of the family life, staff and professional as a right and a vital support for the internal social balance and external. I our commitment with the conciliation is materialised in Plan of Conciliation that it follows the management model EFR (Family-Responsible Company).
  • Our commitment with the diversity is reasserted in the Statement of respect for the person and to its diversity, in the adherence to the Chárter of Diversity, in the commitment of supporting and enacting the inclusion of the diversity and the not-discrimination in the working environment and in the acquisition of the stamp Bequal, that it certifies business policies that promote the inclusion of disabled people.
  • Within the framework of our adherence in the Statement of Luxembourg of the European Network of Health promotion in the Work and via corporate health campaigns, promise and we promote the health and the well-being of the staff of Mutua Universal.
  • We bet for the management of the talent and the training, via the CorporateUniversity, a space of knowledge and learning to form and develop to our staff.

Responsible towards society

Via responsible value stock contribute to move forward towards an economy and a more competitive society, productive and healthy.

  • The Prizes Innovation and Health have the objective of recognising to our associated companies committed to the health promotion and the improvement of the people' quality of life.
  • We promote the involvement of employees and mutual society member in solidarity causes, via collaboration sensitisation and campaigns with non-profit organisations that are framed in our Corporate Voluntary work Programme.
  • Mutua Universal is associated from 2015 to the network “Companies for a society free of gender violence” that it promotes the Ministry of Health, Social Services And Equality, through which promises to promote stock set aside for achieving a great sensitisation in favour of the equality and the prevention of the violence of gender.