Report and annual report

In this section you can download the annual reports presented at the latest General Assemblies held at Mutua Universal.

Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

Annual Corporate Governance Report 2023

Previous years

You can download the latest annual reports using the dropdown menus.

Published on: 28/07/2022

Prizes of our annual reports

Annually carry out our Management Report and Sustainability Report, with two objectives: 

  • Contribute to the better understanding of the system of mutual societies that they collaborate with the Social Security Institute in profit of companies, hard-working people and of the sustainability of the welfare state.
  • Show in a transparent way and didactics the performance of Mutua Universal during the last exercise, regarding its raison d'etre as a mutual society: “The Mutual Society of people: we collaborate innovating”.

It is for us a satisfaction to share with you that we have again been worthy of international examinations in 2022 for the Management Report and Sustainability Report of 2020 published last year. In this occasion have received the prize Mercury of bronze to the best annual report of 2020 in the category “Association of cooperation”. 

Our annual reports have been awarded a prize from 2016 with following examinations: 

  • Annual report 2016: Gold in the ARC Awards International 2018 for Annual Reports in the category Non-English Annual Report of Non-Profit Organization: Health & Education
  • Annual report 2017: ARC prize Gold 2019 to the best report in non-English language of the sector education and health and Prize STEVIE Bronce 2019 to the best annual report in non-profit organisation's category
  • Annual report 2018: Bronze in the ARC Awards International 2020 for Annual Reports in the category Non-English Annual Report of Non-Profit Organization: Health & Education
  • Annual report 2019: Prize STEVIE golden 2021 to the best annual report 2019 in the category “Associations” and Award of silver of the ARC 2021 for the report in non-English language of organisations without encouragements of lucre of the sector education and health
Prizes of our annual reports