Terms and conditions for access to and use of the private area SBC

Published on: 23/02/2016

In compliance with that established in article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July, on the information society and e-commerce services, it is indicated that MUTUA UNIVERSAL MUGENAT, Collaborative Mutual Society with Social Security no.10 (hereinafter MUTUA), with VAT NUMBER G08242463, has its registered offices at Av. Tibidabo 17-19, 08022 Barcelona. 

MUTUA is registered as no. 10 in the Record of Bodies Collaborating with the Social Security Institute of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security. 

MUTUAL SOCIETY is titular of the domain name www.mutuauniversal.net, just as subauthorities or web portals depending from this (hereinafter authorities). Email general Steering System of contact is info@mutuauniversal.net.

I. Acceptance of conditions

The user, when completing their registration for the MUTUA Private Area, accepts all the general conditions of use for the service reflected here that are in force at the time of this acceptance. 

MUTUA reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and conditions of the services rendered in its Private Area (hereinafter "Services"). 

Similarly, MUTUA may modify the contracting conditions for the "Services", in which case it will notify each of the registered users, for their acceptance. Without this acceptance, it will no longer be possible to use any Private Area services.

It must be emphasised that the aforementioned services are not accessible to users who are not registered in the MUTUA Private Area.

II.- User register and access to services

II.1.- personal character Data collection 

In accordance with that established in the current regulations with regard to data protection, Mutual Society Universal-Mugenat, MCSS Number. 10 (hereinafter Mutua Universal), with ID number G08242463 him informs that the legitimation of the processing of its details will be the consent, and that were discussed with following aims:

  • To create an account in the Private Area of the Mutual Society.

Your data will be kept for the minimum storage period established by the current legislation, as well as for the attention of the potential responsibilities arising from the processing and only during the limitation period of the responsibilities.

Similarly, the data subject to processing may be passed on to public bodies, including the National Social Security Institute, the Tax Agency or the General Treasury of Social Security.

We inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, removal, limitation, opposition and/or portability by addressing the Data Protection Delegate (DPD) of Mutua Universal by sending an email to protecciondatos@mutuauniversal.net or by sending a letter to the following address: Av. Tibidabo, 17-19, (08022) Barcelona.

You have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Authority (AEPD), via its website: www.agpd.es

II.2.- user' Record

To access all offered Services at all times in the Private Area of MUTUAL SOCIETY, will be requirement previous to register as an user through the completion of the form of record that is found at the disposal of people in www.mutuauniversal.net in the link "Area private" placed at the main page. Registering as a MUTUA Private Area user is free. 

Registering as a user identifies a person as authorised to access the data of the associated company or partner to which they are linked. 

II.3.- Access to services

Once the person has registered as a user, and after validation by MUTUA, they will be able to access the "Services" under the conditions established in the MUTUA Private Area and in accordance with the applicable laws. The above without prejudice to the specific access requirements, if applicable, established for any of the "Services". 

The/s key/s of access to “Services” offered in the Private Area of MUTUAL SOCIETY, are strictly confidential. The user of the service will be responsible for the custody of these password/s and agrees to adopt the necessary actions to prevent third-party knowledge or unauthorised use of the same. 

The user is obliged to exempt MUTUA from any liability required due to unauthorised or fraudulent use of the password/s, when such an event has occurred as a result of non-compliance with the obligations of custody and security of the/s aforementioned password/s by the user. 

The user expressly accepts to give equal legal status to the use of the passwords established in the previous paragraph as to his/her signature, in such a way that the operations carried out will be deemed valid in any case and it will be understood that they have been peformed by the user, having full legal effect.

III.- common Terms and Conditions to "Services"

III.1.- Object 

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to regulate the provision of "The Services" by MUTUA, as well as their use by the user. 

III.2.- Secrecy of the communications and personal data protection

In the provision of "The Services", MUTUA guarantees the secrecy of communications in accordance with the provisions set out in Article 18.3 of the Spanish Constitution. For this purpose, MUTUA commits to not facilitate any details related to the user's identity nor to their personal details, except in the cases established by law. 

MUTUAL SOCIETY guarantees the confidentiality of the information transmitted by the users for the provision of services via the MUTUAL SOCIETY'S Private Area, as well as the observance of it considered in the current regulations with regard to personal data protection. This data is collected by a secure server, in such a way that these communications are encrypted through the network using encrypted protocol, and nobody can see or to capture the data entered. MUTUAL guarantees the authenticity of the server they connect to, ensuring that it is not supplanted by third parties. 

The user recognises credit been learnt more about way espresso, precise and unequivocal, at the time of the pickup of its personal data, of rights of information that him attend that him attend in accordance with it considered in the current regulations regarding data protection.

For the provision of services via the MUTUAL SOCIETY'S Private Area is necessary that the user gives to certain MUTUAL SOCIETY personal details and of professional character, MUTUAL SOCIETY responsible for assuring compliance with the standard of data protection as person responsible for the processing. 

For the foregoing purposes, MUTUAL commits to the following: To use and apply the data provided by the user for the exclusive purpose of providing the services requested by the user. To not communicate or disclose data to a third party, not even for its conservation. To maintain the utterest confidentiality on the communicated personal details, as well as those which result of its processing. To keep the professional secret of the data and of the service provided. To adopt security measures that they correspond according to the details to be discussed, in accordance with the current regulations. 

III.3.- truthfulness Commitment and detail update 

The user guarantees that, facilitated details to MUTUAL SOCIETY for the provision of “Services” requested, answer with truthfulness to the real-life situation and that it will communicate any modification that affects to the same. As a result, the user will be liable to MUTUA and third parties for any harm or damage caused as a result of non-compliance with the obligations undertaken in this clause. 

III.4.- conditions Acceptance and incorporation 

The undisguised user expressly to know and fully accept and without reserve, the content of the general conditions of access and use of the website www.mutuauniversal.net included in the Legal Notice and, in particular, exemption regarding of rights responsibility and booking with regard to copyright and industrial in favour of MUTUAL SOCIETY. 

The user expressly states to know and fully accept without reservations the content of the subscription conditions included in the registration form as a user of "Private Area". 

III.5.- Responsibility of the user 

The user commits to use "The Services" in accordance with the law, morals, health, public safety and good habits generally accepted, and to hold MUTUA harmless against any claims resulting from non-compliance with any of these obligations. 

The user guarantees that it holds the ownership, legitimacy or rights necessary to use all the data, graphs, charts, signatures, brands, symbols and any other sign included in the content of communication provided for the provision of services by MUTUA. As a result, is compelled to maintain indemne to MUTUAL SOCIETY of any claim derived from these obligations' non-compliance. 

The user is obliged to use the data, texts, images, information, graphs or links available on the website for the exclusive purpose of contracting "The Services", whether they are owned by MUTUA or third parties, and cannot modify, reproduce or distribute it in any way. To this effect, the user is obliged to hold MUTUA harmless against any claim due to violation of intellectual or industrial property rights, data protection, fundamental rights or any other that could be harmed as a result of non-compliance with these obligations. 

III.6.- user's Obligations 

In compliance with the Regulations EU 2016/679 General of Data protection (RGPD), the user of this se system compels to save booking with regard to all personal data to those which has access as a result of its functions as a member of a body of share of Mutua Universal. Both from the point of view of confidentiality and of data protection, also promises to observe the Standard on the data confidentiality and of the information (NP0029).

We remind you that pin codes of access that the system requests him are equivalent to its electronic signature. Its improper use will be able to originate that corresponding activities are exercised.

Mutua Universal's internal web portals can use own and third-party cookies to analyse and improve, in a constant way, published contents. Their use involves the acceptance of its use. It will find more information in the Political section of Cookies located at the external www.mutuauniversal.netwebsite.

The access to Mutua Universal's information systems is subjected to the fulfillment of the Acceptable Use policy of Information systems (NP0037), being of strictly professional use and applying controls on the activity carried out in the same one.

For any related doubt can send an email to the Delegate of Data protection through email to protecciondatos@mutuauniversal.net

III.7.- Applicable law and jurisdiction 

The provision of services regulated in these terms and conditions will be governed by Spanish legislation. The parties are subjected to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the province of Barcelona (Spain).

Mutua Universal