Online Clinic

Together with the attention in person, the people insured workers by Mutua Universal have at your disposal the advantages of the OnlineClinic, an advanced system of telemedicine implemented in all help centres of the company that guarantees the access to the specialised and hospitable medicine regardless of the geographical location.
This service, accessible from the Private Area, expedites the diagnosis, reduces waiting time and it reconciles the family life and work, which improvement the quality of life of patients and patients and its family, increases the effectiveness and it guarantees the continuity in cares.
More than 20 years of experience in telemedicine
The system of telemedicine of Mutua Universal allows to all our team health worker to carry out medical care, both simultaneous and pre-recorded, connecting to the patient or the patient with our help centres and hospitable control areas, always guaranteeing highest levels of security in the trasmisión of medical details.
The service of telemedicine of Mutua Universal allows various types of connection from a distance:
- Telemedicine in mobility. Direct connection, via the Private Area and the app of Mutua Universal, between patient and health staff via mobile device, without having to go anywhere a help centre from the company.
- Telemedicine between help centres specific to Mutua Universal. A system of telemedicine advanced that it allows to our people insured workers to access, from any of our help centres, to the specialists and specialists more suitable that they give medical support from a distance.
- Telemedicine with other health centres. Connection between help centres of Mutua Universal and other health centres, whether it is with Services of Health surveillance of our associated companies via the Online Clinic Company or with private hospitals.
Advantages of the telemedicine in Mutua Universal
- It guarantees the territorial equity and a welfare high quality, without late payments, nor waiting lists.
- Patients and patients receive real-time, in a reliable way and completely precise, a customised medical care given by our personal specialist more suitable, that it gives medical support from a distance.
- It allows to any welfare professional, independently where it is situated, to consult, to receive support and advice on any pathology, diagnosis, care or processing.
- It is integrated with the electronic medical history of each patient, in which also the digital radiologies and diagnostic tests to allow are added that the information can consult in a fast way, agile and simple.
- It is a core of knowledge online practitioner so that our welfare staff can be perfectly ready and advised.
- The telemedicine strengthens our orientation to the service, proximity, excellence and innovation and it allows applying a plan of health integral, collaborative and customised guarded always by the reliable medical staff. In this way, the maximum assitance quality is guaranteed, without the need for displacements, promoting thus the conciliation of the personal life and relative of our protected town. Optionally, you can have the constant professionals support specialists that they guarantee:
- Diagnosis contrasted, providing the exchange of impressions between elementary school specialists and medical staff.
- Maximum immediacy, with access to the best group of specialists real-time, of easy way and fast from any point of the geography.