Royal-Decree Law 7/2020
Of 12 March, through which urgent measures to reply are adopted to the economic impact of the COVID-19
Published in the Official State Gazette is had the Royal Decree-Law 7/2020, of 12 March, through which urgent measures to reply are adopted to the economic impact of the COVID-19 (BOE number. 65 OF 13-3-2020).
We must emphasise:
In the health field
- Granting of an extraordinary appropriation to the Ministry of Health Care to attend extraordinary charges of the National Health System. The application of the Contingency fund and the granting of an extraordinary appropriation is authorised for a total amount of 1,000 million euros in the Ministry of Health Care, budgetary application 26.09.313A.228 «originated Expenses in the National Health System derived from the emergency of public health in relation to the Covid-19 in Spain», to contribute to the financing of aforementioned extraordinary charges.
- Update of the deliveries to account of the autonomous communities to effects of ensuring the suitable attention to health needs of the town and of corresponding Healthcare services.
- Modification of the legislative law of the Act of guarantees and use rational of health medications and products, approved by the Legislative Royal Decree 1/2015, of 20 July.- Following on from this, the Government will be able to regular the mechanism of fixation of health drug pricings and products not subjects to medical prescription, as well as of other products necessary to the protection of the population health that are given in the Spanish territory , following an objective general scheme and transparent. When there is an exceptional situation health, in order to to protect the public health, the Interministerial Fee of Drug pricings will be able to set the maximum amount from sale to the public of medications and products to that it adverts the paragraph previous by the time that lasts this exceptional situation.
In the field of families
- Just as the established thing on 11 March 2020 in the Royal Decree-Law 6/2020, of 10 March, through which certain measures are adopted urgent in the economic field and to protect the public health, on the exceptional consideration as an assimilated situation to work-related injury of the periods of isolation or contagion of the people workers as a result of the virus COVID-19, is spread also this measures to the classed staff in the Special Regimes of the Government Officials.
This article is transcribed that, as is indicated, comes back to reproduce the published one on 11 March 2020: “In order to protect public health, periods of isolation or contagion for workers caused by the COVID-19 virus will be exceptionally considered as situations that are similar to work-related accidents only for the purposes of payment of the temporary disability benefit by the administrative mutual insurance company. In both cases, the amount of time a worker can receive this exceptional benefit will be determined by the medical certificate for isolation and end of sick leave. Mutual insurance policyholders may be entitled to this benefit if they are registered under the relevant social security special tax regime at the date of the triggering event. The date of the responsible for fact will be that in which remembers the isolation or illness of the mutual society member, without prejudice to that the sick leave is issued later than that date”.
In the tourist sector
- Extension of the lines of funding of this sector.
- Measures to support the extension of the period of activity for workers with permanent intermittent employment contracts in the tourism, commerce and hospitality industries linked to tourist activities. Companies, excluded the ones belonging to the public sector , dedicated to classed activities in the sectors of the tourism, as well as those of the trade and hospitality industry, provided that linked to the above-mentioned sector of the tourism are found, that they generate productive activity in the months of February, March, April, May, June and that initiate or maintain in registration during these months the occupation of workers with contracts of character fixed discontinuous, will be able to apply a discount in these months of 50 per cent from the business contributions to the Social Security Institute for common contingencies , as well as for concepts of joint collection of Unemployment, FOGASA and Vocational Training of these workers. The provisions of this article will apply from 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2020.
The allowances governed by this article will apply throughout Spain (except in the autonomous communities of the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands) during February and March 2020, when the allowance set forth in article 2 of Royal Decree-Law 12/2019 of 11 October, which adopts urgent measures to mitigate the effects of the opening of the Thomas Cook business group insolvency proceedings, shall also apply.
Temporary financial support measures
- Deferment of tax payables corresponding to all the statements-settlements and autosettlements whose presentation and deposit term finishes from 13 March 2020 and until the day 30 May 2020, inclusive, provided that presented applications until that date gather requirements to those which adverts the article 82.2.a) of the Act 58/2003, of 17 December, Tax General. It will be requirement necessary to the granting of the deferment that the debtor is person or company with volume of operations not higher than 6,010,121.04 euros in 2019. Conditions of the deferment will be the next ones: a) The term will be of six months and b) interests of late payment Will not be yielded during the first three months of the deferment.
Measures for the efficient management of the Public Administrations
- With regard to contracting all contracts that they have to celebrate by the Central Administration or its Public law public authorities and companies to attend the needs derived from the protection of people and other adopted measures for the Cabinet of Ministers to address the COVID-19, them will result of application the procedure of emergency.
Habilitation to carry out credit transfers . The Government, exceptionally and until the coming into force of the new General Budget law of the State, will be able to authorise credit transfers between budgetary sections to attend unavoidable needs and in different cases of the ones considered in the article 52.2 of the Act 47/2003, of 26 November, Budgetary General. For these purposes, the Minister for Finance will raise to the Cabinet of Ministers the opportune proposal.
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