Risk prevention consultancy

Published on: 14/01/2016

Services of consultancy of Mutua Universal are specialised in:


The member companies can make enquiries about how to ergonomically improve their work places and processes: 

  • Technical advice to ergonomically improve the work post.
  • Guidance on the best alternative when selecting a process, a tool or an element in the production process.

This service is offered by the ergonomists at the Prevention Area Ergonomics Laboratory. For this, the company turns to the risk prevention technician, or this person detects a need. The technician coordinates the collaboration with the Lab's ergonomists to gather information beforehand. They visit the company to take field data (postures, movements and efforts that the worker carries out), and the conditions are simulated in the workshop of the Ergonomics Laboratory and/or virtually in the computer. The company receives a report with a reply to its enquiry.

Chemical safety

To provide technical support to the people in charge of risk prevention in companies in applying the new European and Spanish regulations on chemical products.

Content and development of the activity:

  • REACH consultancy: Attention to enquiries on the application of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals). This Regulations establishes conditions of placed on the market and of use of the substances and mixes chemistries to guarantee a higher protection level of the human health and of the environment.
  • CLP consultancy: Deals with queries about the application of Regulation (EC) num. 1272/2008 on the Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Chemical Substances and Mixtures. This regulation introduces the standardised system, established worldwide, for classifying, labelling and packaging chemical substances and mixtures in Europe. It has been applied to substances since 2010 and to mixtures since 2015.

Pychosocial aspects

Consulting on the working conditions of the pychosocial environment and on the most suitable individual tools for preventing stress, with the intention of improving the well-being and health of the workers and minimising their exposure to pychosocial risk factors.

Associated companies can make enquiries to improve its organisation's psychosocial aspects on, among others:

  • Consulting on the working conditions of the pychosocial environment (basically, organisation and content of the work and human relationships) with the aim of improving the health of the workers and eliminating or minimising their exposure to pychosocial risk factors.
  • Advice on identifying organisational strengths and weaknesses.
  • Consulting on the results of the pychosocial risk assessment: orientation on recommendations that help to promote the development of healthy lifestyles in psychosocial matter, etc.
  • Advice on pychosocial evaluation methods.
  • Consulting to the company on Work Inspection requirements, in relation to pychosocial risks.

Occupational health and health promotion

Associated companies can make enquiries about how to improve the health of their workers, from both a work and a health promotion point of view.

  • Technical advice.
  • Guidance on different alternatives to be applied according to the company's goals with regard to the health of its workers.
  • Advice to introduce campaigns of health promotion.

In some cases, and depending on the enquiry, a multidisciplinary solution is offered coordinating occupational health, environmental factors, ergonomics and psychology.