Better management of temporary leaves of absence

Published on: 15/12/2015

The knowledge of the companies' needs by contact people and the management of accident rate indicators allow applying plans of improvement in the management of the Temporary Disability, directed specifically to companies with high accident rates.

Improvement plans in the management of Temporary Disability (TD)

Planes directed to companies that they require specific activities, so much for its high accident rate as for needs specific to its activity sector, take place plans of improvement of the management of the TEMPORARY DISABILITY, with following aims:

  • Assess the present situation of the TEMPORARY DISABILITY in the company, via indicators of management and economic elaborate internally
  • Propose measures to sensitise to the workers for a great involvement in the management of the TEMPORARY DISABILITY
  • Achieve a mutual commitment in the improvement of the Temporary Disability with regular follow-up
  • Decrease the percentage of TEMPORARY DISABILITY.

 These plans are applied through a joint work between Mutua Universal and the company, with people in charge responsible for the follow-up of key stabilities, the data analysis to plan stock and the review and control of the evolution.

Action protocols

In the event of temporary disability for Non Work-related injury or disease

  1. Immediate
    contact When having knowledge of the cancellation, a team of health carries out a telephonic contact with the worker to obtain a first evaluation of the case

  2. Customisation of the activity
    Are planned set of activities with the aim of optimising the retrieval process of the worker, according to if it requires or not health visit, or the diagnostic test performance

  3. Specific
    protocols Apply specific health protocols for a pathological group; particularly, contribute a great health experience and of management in the cases of traumatology

  4. Follow-up of each periodic Review case
    to consider its evolution and to take new decisions, if is precise.

In the event of work-related injury …

  1. Application of the model of all-inclusive
    health Our help centres carry out the complete management of the case, from its diagnosis until the hospital admission. The practitioner of the help centre acts of tutor of all the process, coordinating professionals and resources that they are precise

  2. Communication with the company and the worker
    Relationship constant and fluid relationship with the company and the worker, to expedite the administrative and welfare processes respecting the confidentiality in accordance with the PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION ACT