Single Contact Person

Published on: 23/12/2015

In Mutua Universal, we offer the figure of the Single Contact Person, who will accompany you at all times in your daily relationship with us, attending to your requests and enquiries to give you the fastest and most suitable reply in every situation.

This will be your person of reference for managing the overall relationship with Mutua Universal and for coordinating the services rendered, as well as being the person responsible for implementing the projects adapted to the distinct characteristics of the company.

Sole manager

This figure is especially useful and interesting for those companies that due to their characteristics, complexity and relevance, they require specific, customised attention for better coordination in the service to optimise processes and services. The Single Contact Person is the person responsible for coordinating services rendered and for implementing the projects adapted to the distinct characteristics of each company.

Management model of the work-related accident

  • Management planning of the work-related accident agreed with the Company Management.
  • Drawing up of a joint Action plan between the Company and Mutua Universal setting out common goals and taking into account the specific characteristics of the company.
  • Follow-up and coordination meetings with the Human Resources Area of the company / Medical service / Occupational Risk Prevention Service.
  • Immediate responce to enquiries and requests. 
  • Flexible, efficient resolution of incidences coordinating actions with the other functional areas.
  • Technical advice in everything related to the different services managed by mutual societies, as well as in the legal standards that affect these services.