Mutua Universal general Committee

Published on: 24/04/2020
General Meeting

In compliance with that established in Corporate Charters in force, call this Company's Ordinary General Committee, that the day will be celebrated 11 July 2024 in the Auditorium at Avda. Tibidabo 17-19 de Barcelona, at 11.30am, in first call and, of not being able to to celebrate owing to lack of quorum, at 12.00pm in second, according to the next ones: 

Agenda of the Ordinary General Committee 

  1. Approval, if it proceeds, of the Annual Accounts corresponding to the exercise 2023, as well as the destination and distribution of the economic performance annual positive.
  2. Approval, if it proceeds, of the Preliminary draft Budget of the year's exercise 2025.
  3. Ratification of the adopted agreements by the Board Of directors and consequent grant discharge of the governing bodies.
  4. Appointment of two attendees Associated people to the Ordinary General Committee that must sign the Acta. 

The General Committee is the highest body of government of the Company and it is composed of a representation of all those associated/ace. Its composition, responsibilities and procedures are established in articles 26 to 34 of Mutua Universal's current Articles of Association. Similarly, is part of the General Committee a person on behalf of the staff at the service of the Company.

We inform you that above-mentioned Annual Accounts and Preliminary draft Budget, will be at your disposal starting from on 1 July 2024.



Published on: 24/04/2020

Delegation of vote

They have voting right all associated companies that are up to date in the course of its social obligations. If you can not attend the aforementioned Joint, you can delegate its representation in favour of another associated company to this Mutual Society, via our software environment through digital signature: of the associated person, its representative or person authorised representative with to be able to enough, and specifying instructions for the exercise of the right of vote. 

Applicable conditions for the accreditation of the legitimation, the assistance and the vote, so much own one as for representation, will be the ones considered in articles 26 and following of Corporate Charters. 

The representation will be proved, if was precise, through the exhibition of the Document of Association or the Document of Association Proposition. The personality will be proved through the exhibition of any valid document in right.

To solve any doubt in this regard, those associated can contact with its interlocutor/to usual of Mutua Universal.