Mutua Universal in figures

Published on: 11/07/2024
Published on: 18/02/2016


The number of workers protected and covered stands at 1,712,590, 4.5% more than in the previous year.

The number of associated companies is 159,869, 1.2% more than in the previous year. 

Solvency and liquidity

In 2023, Mutua Universal received revenue from social contributions of 1,665 million euros, an increase of 11.5% compared to the previous year.

The profit for the year to be distributed has been of 20.83 million euros.

Mutua Universal pays 21.24 million euros into the Social Security General Treasury, thus contributing to the sustainability of the system and the welfare state. 

Healthcare activity

Mutua Universal has invested 6.6 million euros to upgrade and maintain its facilities, a broad network of centres distributed throughout the country, which in 2023 hosted more than 1.4 million primary care visits, 544,166 rehabilitation sessions and 6,061 hospital admissions.