Improving temporary disability management

Published on: 15/02/2016
Improving temporary disability management

Awareness of the needs of the companies by the contact people and management of the temporary disability index allow us to apply improvement plans directed specifically at companies that require specific actions, both for their high rates of temporary disability and for the needs specific to their activity sector.


  • Assess the current temporary disability situation in the company, using internally prepared management and economic indexes.
  • Propose measures to make workers aware so that they are more involved in the management of temporary disability.
  • Achieve a mutual commitment in improving temporary disability with regular monitoring.
  • Reduce the incidence rate.

These plans are applied through the joint work of Mutua Universal and the Company, with people in charge of monitoring the key parameters, analysing data to plan actions and reviewing and controlling the progress.

Improvement plans for temporary disability management

Improvement plans for temporary disability management

Our objective is to provide to the company with a series of instruments and a methodology so that it develop its own Action plan for temporary disability processes. To do this, we make a Customised Plan of measures taking into account the specific characteristics of the company, and an Action plan, which covers 4 different aspects:

  • Temporary disability management policy
  • Working procedures
  • Communication of the Action plan
  • Temporary disability management

How Communicating the Action plan in the company and the Temporary disability management on the basis of temporary disability calculation parameters and regular monitoring are key elements for successfully carrying out the implementation of Improvement plans


Non work-related injury or disease temporary disability index report

A diagnosis of the company will be established through a report with statistical data of the management indexes (cases by diagnostic groups, Bradford index, cost report,...). 

Company plan of measures for improving temporary disability management

It consists of a series of measures that the company can adopt, including also the possibility of implementing a specific Action plan with control procedures of the temporary disability situation.

Instructions are provided on how to implement the Action plan taking into account: What the worker must do in the event of sick leave, contact of the company with the sick leave workers and interview with workers after they return to work.

Improvement plan for temporary disability management

Improvement plan, which includes a summary of the most relevant indexes, cost of the temporary disability situation, improvement proposal, diagnosis, measures proposed and submission of the Plan of measures.

Do you want more information on your improvement plan for temporary disability management?