Nutrients for a healthy diet

Published on: 03/10/2018

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diet proteinas

Proteins are substancias nourishing essential for the organisation. Thanks to proteins, the body builds and it repairs fabrics continuously. The majority of proteins are of animal origin, although also there is them of vegetal origin (legumes, cereals and nuts).

In the group ofproteins, following foodstuffs are recommended:

  • Fish (white and blue), for its richness in polyunsaturated fatty acids (fatty acids omega-3), of effect good for the heart. The content of omega-3 is higher in the blue fish, although the white fish also contains. 

  • Lean meats: chicken (without skin), rabbit, turkey... These types of meat are the poorest ones in saturated fats and cholesterol, which it results beneficial for arteries. 

  • Milk: they have be semiskimmed or skimmed, if there is overweight, high obesity or cholesterol.

Although is preferable that it contributes the of proteins is based on the consumer spending of these types of foodstuffs, throughout the week also you can take eggz (3-4 eggz/week) and of others types of meat, such as veal, pig (tenderloin) or horse (2 times/week).



Fats are nutrients with a tall one to be able to energetic, that is, contribute many calories. An excess of fats in the allowance of any person can promote the overweight and the obesity; this does not be intended for that is had to suspend its consumer spending, but instead to lower it.

Rich foodstuffs in recommended fats are the next ones: 

  • Olive oil: always be the oil of choice, so much to season as to cook. It is owed to take oil every day. 
  • Oil of seeds: sunflower, wheat, etc. Basically are to season, since are more unstable to tall temperatures and, therefore, less suitable to cook. 
  • Nuts: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc. You can take daily a handful that allows closing the hand. It is significant to remember that nuts contribute many calories and its abuse can promote the weight gain.

It is very significant to take into account that proteins and fats do not alter, in case alone, securities of sugar in the blood. For example, a person can eat an only dish of meat or to take six spoonfuls oil tureens fasting and the sugar will not modify him to him in the blood, that is, will not go down him nor him will go up. 

Control techniques of baking


It is preferable to cook to the iron, to the live coal, to the steam, boiled, to the papillote and to the microwave, because the amount of oil that is used is smaller and, therefore, the cooked food will be less caloric. Securities of the glycemias (value of sugar in the blood) do not depend only of if hydrates of ingested carbon in every food are simple or complex, but also of the technique of baking that has been applied and of other foodstuffs' presence that are ingested at the same time, that is, of the index glucémico.

For example, to cook the dough or the rice “to the give you”, that is, that the food is cooked but that it has a certain consistency when to chew contributes to do that glycemias do not soar so much.

The reason is that certain foodstuffs' prolonged baking produces a breakage of the starch that they contain, which it originates smaller molecules and it allows a digestion and a faster absorption and, therefore, a faster rise of the glucose level in the blood.   

Advice of health: Healthy diet - manipulation of the foodstuffs

Substitute the sugar for artificial sweeteners

One of the key considerations of the diet of a person with diabetes is the usual constraint of the sugar and of all foodstuffs that take added sugar or that they are sugary (cakes, sugary drinks, candies, etc.). A good alternative to the sugar is the use of sweeteners, although is had to take into account that not all sweeteners are identical, since it there is some that do not increase glycemias (the advised ones) and others that yes it do.

Classification of the main sweeteners

  • Advised sweeteners because they do not increase glycemias: 
    • saccharine (and-954) 
    • cyclamate (and-952)
    • aspartam (and-951) 
    • acesulfam K (and-950)
    • sucralosa and-954, and-952, and-951 and and-950 are codes used in Spain to determine each of the additives that are used in the diet. In the preparation of dishes that they require baking is recommended to use saccharine, acesulfam K and sucralosa, since the others lose its sweet taste.
  • Sweeteners advised against because they increase the glycemia: 
    • sugar or sucrose 
    • fructose 
    • honey The to be able to sweetener of the fructose is higher than that one of the sucrose. He owes have in account that the fructose also raises the glycemia, although not so fast as the sucrose, because it takes more in absorbing. 
  • Sweeteners that they can be of moderate consumer spending because they raise the glycemia discreetly: 
    • sorbitol (and-420) 
    • mannitol (and-421) 
    • xilitol
    • All sweeteners of this last group are polyalcohols, with a to be able to very intense sweetener and they contain hydrates of carbon in small amounts, for this reason also raise the sugar in the blood. They are those which are used usually for the elaboration of chewing gums, candies or marmalades. The extortionate consumer spending can produce flatulences and diarrheas.