Absenteeism Management

Published on: 21/11/2016

Organisations of all type are increasingly interested in slow down the rise of the work absenteeism rate through a management and control chords with its management policy and general aims. They do it in the context of an increasingly demanding society, developmental of economic policies and other measures to promote the hard-working human health, and of a rise of the worry social by the reduction of the work absenteeism.

How can help you Mutua Universal?

From first few years of the global crisis of 2007, the analysis of the absenteeism and the adoption of measures for its reduction and control are had become priority targets for the majority of the companies.

For this reason, Mutua Universal has developed the Management model Universal of the absenteeism, based on the circle of Deming of Constant improvement.

Knows the model of Management Universal of the Absenteeism of Mutua Universal