Our model for managing absenteeism

Published on: 22/11/2016



In this first phase, a study of the analysed company is made indicators, as well as the organisation and organization's structure with respect to the absenteeism, in order to to define which are factors that it generate.

For this, Mutua Universal offers associated companies and consultancies a series of tools that help to the analysis of the absenteeism's causes: 


The questionnaire of universal management of the absenteeism, based on the Method WATER and exclusive of Mutua Universal, analyses different aspects of the organisation and structure of the company that they shock in its absenteeism. The questionnaire is divided in 5 modules:

  1. Organisational model.
  2. Analysis of the absenteeism.
  3. Control measures.
  4. Management of the health.
  5. Management of HR.

With results the company will have a map of situation of factors more relevant that affect to its organisation, being able to define concrete measures to apply within its successive plans of action.

Calculator absenteeism costs. The cost that him supposes for companies the absence of hard-working people of its work positions has repercussions in the income statement, in its image and competitiveness on the market.

The ‘calculator of prime costs’ assistance to the companies to analyse its costs derived from different contingencies. The prime costs of the company are those which derive of the payment of the financial assistance for Temporary Disability (Non Work-related injury or disease and Work) and Grant of Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.

Associated companies will be able to access the ‘calculator of prime costs’ via the Private Area Company. From there, will be able to carry out a ‘Report of the prime costs’ that it generates the absenteeism in the company, with the aim that the Address can measure economically constituting the absenteeism for the organisation, as well as to consider if some measures' adoption or others is justified.

The Report of absenteeism we allow analysing principal indicators of absenteeism in a certain period.

In Mutua Universal we have developed the Observatory company, a cuadro of dynamic commands with indicators on absenteeism located at the Private Area Company, that it allows to our associated companies to consult its real-time situation.


Actuation plan

After determining factors that generate the absenteeism in the company, the next step it is to define a series of measures to be adopted, carrying out a planning to short and medium term.

Tools that offer to help to the companies in this phase are:

Plan of measures of absenteeism. After analysing factors that generate the absenteeism in the company, Mutua Universal proposes a series of measures with a model of planning for its implementation to short and medium term, guaranteeing its follow-up.

Guides of absenteeism. Supporting documents of the plan of action that expect to contribute knowledge and guidelines to be followed in different topics that they shock in the absenteeism.

Systematic for the management of the bbsentismo. Collects all the activity that owes implement the company to reduce the absenteeism:

Management + Control + Follow-up of the absenteeism.

For this, the company owes have described what and how is going to manage the absenteeism specifying it in the plan of absenteeism, in its procedures and instructions. Additionally will be able to integrate her with their other management systems (ISO).

Mutua Universal will offer its associated companies the documentation necessary to this implementation.


In this phase will go checking the implementation of the measures proposed and indicators will be analysed, with tools already used in the first phase of diagnosis, to carry out a follow-up of the effectiveness of the introduced measures.

Report of Management

Lastly, will be collected in a Report the activity carried out during a specific period.

After finishing this phase the circle of constant improvement will be followed, being able to carry out a regular check-up to see the evolution of different factors during the time of implementation of measures.

These and other applications are available in the space ‘Absenteeism’ of the Private Area Company. 

If need more information, do not doubt in get in touch your usual contact person of Mutua Universal.