Extraordinary benefit for self-employed workers affected by the crisis brought about by the COVID-19
The Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of 17 March, of extraordinary urgent measures to address the economic impact and social of the COVID-19, introduces measures of stock to manage the extraordinary benefit for self-employed workers affected by the statement of the state of emergency for the management of the health crisis situation brought about by the COVID-19.
With exceptional and validity character limited to a month, starting from the coming into force of the Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 March, through which the state of emergency is declared for the management of the health crisis situation brought about by the COVID-19, or until the last day of the next month in which finishes the above-mentioned state of emergency, of prolonging this for more than a month, freelance workers or self-employed workers, whose activities are suspended, in virtue of it considered in the mentioned Royal Decree, or, in another case, when its invoicing in the previous month to that which the provision is requested is seen reduced, at least, in 75 per cent in relation to the average of invoicing of the previoushalf, will have right to the extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity that is regulated in this article, provided that they fulfill the requirements exposed to continuation.
- Be members and in registration, in the date of the statement of the state of emergency, in the Special Regime of the Social Security Institute of the Freelance workers or Self-employed workers or, where applicable, in the Special Regime of the Social Security Institute of the sea workers. It is not precise to have the coverage of cessation of activity.
- In the event that its activity is not seen directly suspended in virtue of it considered in the Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 March, to prove the reduction of its invoicing in, at least, 75 per cent, in relation to the made in the previous half.
- You must be up to date with the payment of social security contributions. Nonetheless, if in the date of the suspension of the activity or of the reduction of the invoicing this requirement, the body manager was not fulfilled will invite to the payment to the self-employed worker so that in the term improrrogable of thirty calendar days enters owed fees. The regularisation of the due amounts will generate full effect as regards acquiring the right to the protection.
What charges the self-employed worker in this extraordinary benefit?
- The amount will be 70% of the monthly benefits base; this is calculated with the average of the bases through which the person has paid contributions during 12 previous months to the legal situation of cessation of activity.
- Exceptionally, if it does not prove the minimum period of contribution, will be able to charge this provision, not existing minimum lack.
- So much the minimum amount as the maximum ones will be determined in function to it considered in the article 339 of the Act of the Social Security Institute, regulated via the Royal Decree-Law 8/2015, of 30 October.
- The Extraordinary provision will have a duration of a month, expanding where applicable, until the last day of the month in which finishes the state of emergency, in the event that this is extended and it has a duration higher than the month.
- The time of its perception will be understood as quoted and it will not reduce periods of provision for cessation of activity to those which the payee can have right in the future.
- The perception of this extraordinary benefit is incompatible with any other provision of the Social Security Institute.
What have to do if I want to modify, to desist or to give up to the right of the provision already processed?
If some following circumstances have been produced:
- Error in the reason for one the application since the activity that development can not classify within those which have been suspended by the statement of the state of emergency (Royal Decree 463/2020, of 14 March).
- In the previous month to the application do not prove the reduction of invoicing higher than 75% with respect to the previous half.
You must send the form of "review Application of the provision extrordinaria for cessation of activity " to the administrative mailbox of your centre closer.
In this case the signature of your work adviser will not be been worth given that it is a personal renunciation of a financial assistance.