Auto-check COVID-19

General preventive measures in the work centres for risk of COVID-19

Filling out this form (Company) will allow you to find out the situation of the general COVID-19 preventive measures in your company, so that you can make decisions and plan for them.

Internal organisational measures

1. Creation of a working group to coordinate the contingency or appointment of a contingency responsible for

Recommendation: If the size or the activity do not give to create a group, will be designated to an important person in the company: Owner or manager

2. Elaboration of a written Contingency plan if the characteristics of the company it advise

Recommendation: If the size of the company or its activity do not do it necessary, verbal instructions will be given, but is significant that posters reminders of the most significant thing are elaborated

3. Enquiry with Delegates of Prevention or the representatives of workers (SS's Committee if it there is)

Recommendation: If there are no representatives would be appropriate that the employer consults directly with workers

4. Identification and follow-up of reliable information sources


5. Work positions analysis and classification according to risk

Recommendation: See position assessment form

6. Reorganisation of the production for work position, simplifying processes

Recommendation: Criteria of alienation effect to more than 1.5m and minimising the exchange of objects

7. Drawing up standards for workers. Specific for every position if is necessary

Recommendation: Written for every worker or positioned in the positions, as visible posters for everyone. Criteria of alienation effect to more than 1.5m and without exchange of objects

8. Organisation of turns. Escalonamiento of entrances and exits

Recommendation: According to how the production has been reorganised. Criterion of alienation effect to more than 1.5m

9. Detailed information to workers on the contingency measures they must adopt, including a daily self-check on their possible symptoms before leaving home

Recommendation: It is advisable to instruct workers to do a self-check every day before leaving home and, if they have any symptoms related to COVID-19, to notify the company

10. Forecast of EPI or other means and organisation of acopios and bookings for everyone

Recommendation: It is necessary to consider the technical possibility and economic to install collective protection systems before the widespread use of EPIs. The use of EPIs you can signpost with Mutua Universal's posters

11. Organisation of the circulation for the centre, maintaining the distance of more 1.5 m: aisles, staircases

Recommendation: Signpost clearly the centre with clear messages and specific

12. Organisation of the use of common areas: changing rooms, toilets, meeting or waiting rooms, canteens, respecting capacity restrictions.

Recommendation: Marking the circulation routes, indicating entry and exit routes, respecting the capacity restrictions, taking into account ventilation and interpersonal distances

13. Organisation of measures in stores, both of raw materials and of finished products

Recommendation: If is possible, to leave objects at rest during 72 hours. If not, to disinfect

14. Organisation of the means of neatness, so much general as of stores and work positions

Recommendation: Determine the type of products that will be used in each case. Care with mixes of chemicals! It is necessary to give specific instructions of products to use in each case (water solution and bleach, products tensiactivos, solution hydroalcoholic)

15. Organisation of the ventilation systems for the different areas of the work centre: activation, control and maintenance procedure.

Recommendation: All areas must have a good level of air renewal (12.5 litres/person/second), either by natural means (doors and windows without creating large currents) or by artificial means (the level of air renewal can be checked by means of the CO2 level of the environment). Other complementary measures: reduce the occupancy level and/or length of stay. Ventilation and COVID-19

16. Organisation and instructions to the workers for the waste management

Recommendation: Establish means of collected in identified good staging posts

17. Procedure of activity for the case of that a current worker symptoms at work

Recommendation: Know and follow the action system established in their Autonomous Community. Coordinate with the Prevention Service

18. Provide workers with authorisation to go to work (Responsible Declaration Model) when necessary

Recommendation: Declaration of need displacement due to work signed and sealed by the company

19. Follow-up of the health condition of the staff via managers

Recommendation: Establish the means to communicate it

Technical measures

20. Neatness of hands when entering to the scepter of work

Recommendation: Preferably laundered of hands with water and soap and, where applicable, solution hydroalcoholic

21. Disinfection of footwear when entering to the work centre, if it is going touch frequently the land with hands or objects that are in the land

Recommendation: Place disinfectant mats in the entrances of the centre

22. Disinfection of objects of paquetería and similar that they arrive at the centre

Recommendation: Everything that it arrives from outside, if it does not have guarantees of disinfection, he must be deposited during 72 hours or be disinfected before having that to manipulate

23. Periodic neatness and disinfection during the meeting of areas and teams

Recommendation: Floors with diluted bleach. Areas and teams with the product that it is more suitable to every area

24. Stores neatness and disinfection. Deposit objects and not touch during 72 hours. If is not possible, to disinfect

Recommendation: Floors with diluted bleach. Areas and teams with the product that it is more suitable to every area

25. Ventilation of the centre the maximum thing that it is possible

Recommendation: Ventilate the different areas without creating large air currents, increasing air renewals of the HVAC system. Guarantee 12.5 litres/person/second or, failing this, reduce capacity levels

26. Neatness and disinfection of the centre when finishing the meeting

Recommendation: Schedule cleaning actions

27. Tools for every worker where is possible

Recommendation: If is not possible it is necessary to establish a procedure for the neatness for every worker when initiating and finishing its use. It is appropriate that individual tools go marked

28. EPIs basic for every worker: Mask and/or glasses, gloves. Clear signage of the EPIs to use in every position

Recommendation: The type of mask is defined according to the risk level of the position, that it can be supplemented with facial glasses or screen. It is essential the frequent washing of hands and areas (every time that there is a change area, common contact areas, etc.

29. Vigilance of the fulfillment of measures for part every manager in the work position that they depend on him

Recommendation: It is owed to demand a maximum from attention to the fulfillment of measures and also to the proposal of improvements when it is observed that some does not work correctly

30. Neatness of hands when going out of the centre

Recommendation: With water and soap or, failing that, gel hydroalcoholic

Measures of coordination with other companies

31. Company and person identification external that they attend to the work centre usually

Recommendation: Only the essential ones for the operation of the company

32. Reduction of presence to the minimum one essential of external workers, both of people and of times

Recommendation: External people (workers and visitors) that they are not essential the work centre should not enter the same one. They must be told lest they attend or, if it do, be received in an area of reception and during the smaller possible time

33. Measure and means preparation to receive external people

Recommendation: External people (workers and visitors) that they are not essential the work centre should not enter the same one. They must be told lest they attend or, if it do, be received in an area of reception and during the smaller possible time

34. Telematic information on adopted measures in the company to usual suppliers and contractors, especially to transport companies

Recommendation: Avoid face-to-face meeting and carry out them online. It is necessary to inform to suppliers and clients clearly and with the frequency necessary to avoid confusions

35. Visible good information to the entrance of the centre on standards for external people

36. Information and instructions to the external workers

Recommendation: If is essential that it has workers external in the centre is owed to inform and to give instructions to its company previously, online, on standards that are owed to fulfill in the work centre. This company owes, in turn, to give information on measures that they are going to adopt. To the arrived at the centre will return them to him to give instructions and it will be checked that comply with the specified thing. For this and for the later periodic control, will be designated to a person as a supervisor and will be requested to the contractor or supplier that it designates to another furthermore

37. Fulfillment control measure establishment by external people

If is essential that it has workers external in the centre is owed to inform and to give instructions to its company previously, online, on standards that are owed to fulfill in the work centre. This company owes, in turn, to give information on measures that they are going to adopt. To the arrived at the centre will return them to him to give instructions and it will be checked that comply with the specified thing. For this, and for the later periodic control, will be designated to a person as a supervisor and will be requested to the contractor or supplier that it designates to another furthermore

38. If it is had to send workers to other companies, previous application to these of information and standards

Recommendation: In case it is necessary to send workers to foreign work centres, the same process will be made that the described one previously, but inside out. It is recommended to use the mobile application Pretask for the measures vigilance and control.

39. Provide to the workers that are moved of external Green card (linked mail with App Pretask)

Recommendation: In case it is necessary to send workers to foreign work centres, the same process will be made that the described one previously, but inside out. It is recommended to use the mobile application Pretask for the measures vigilance and control.

40. Provide to the posted workers of means of protection and higienización enough for operations that they must carry out until they return to the centre

Recommendation: In case it is necessary to send workers to foreign work centres, the same process will be made that the described one previously, but inside out. It is recommended to use the mobile application Pretask for the measures vigilance and control.

41. Provide to the workers that are moved of communication standards and systems (App Pretask)

Recommendation: In case it is necessary to send workers to foreign work centres, the same process will be made that the described one previously, but inside out. It is recommended to use the mobile application Pretask for the measures vigilance and control.

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