Royal Decree-Law 8/2020
Novelties introduced by the Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of 17 March, of extraordinary urgent measures to address the economic impact and social of the COVID-19.
The Royal Decree-Law has as an absolute priority in economic matter to protect and to give support to the production network and social to minimise the impact and to achieve that, once completed the health alarm, is produced as soon as possible a rebound in the activity.
For this different measures are adopted in which 200,000 million euros to face are mobilised the economic crisis arising from the COVID-19.
Immediately afterwards the measured principals is summed up consisting of:
Support to the companies
During this time companies will not pay fees to the Social Security Institute, so that they do not fire workers.
Support for teleworking
Promote and provide the teleworking providing procedures via the self-assessment of work the position.
Law to the familiar care
All workers will have right to reorganise or reduce its working day, even until 100%, to take care relatives, great and social services.
For self-employed workers
Extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity for self-employed workers whose activities have been suspended or that see to decline its invoicing by 75% in relation to the average of the previous half.
This measure will have validity of a month.
Concerned individuals for an ERTE
All the people that affected by Regulation Temporary Dossiers of Employment is vein will be payees of the unemployment benefit, even anyone who did not have right to her for not having the time of enough contribution.
In addition, this provision time will not count for the unemployment of then. That is, those people will not have exhausted its unemployment benefit, and if are dismissed in the future, will start to charge her from zero.
This measure is completed with the fact that companies during this time will not pay fees to the Social Security Institute, so that they do not fire workers.