Standard and technical documents on business activity coordination

Published on: 23/04/2024
  • Act 31/1995, of 8 November, of Risk Prevention at Work.
  • Royal Decree 171/2004, of 30 January, through which takes place the article 24 of the Act 31/1995, of 8 November, of Risk Prevention at Work, with regard to business activity coordination.
  • NTP 918: Business activity coordination (I) (complemented by the NTP 1052 and 1053). INSST, 2011.
  • NTP 919: Business activity coordination (II) (complemented by the NTP 1052 and 1053). INSST, 2011.
  • NTP 1052: Coordination of business activities: criteria of efficiency (I). INSST, 2015.
  • NTP 1053: Coordination of business activities: criteria of efficiency (II). INSST, 2015.
  • NTP 1133: Coordination of business activities: maintenance tasks and repair in dry of warships of fishing. INSST, 2018.
  • NTP 1144: Business activity coordinating mechanism in varaderos: orientations for its elaboration. INSST, 2020.