The mental health promotion as a starting point towards a healthy company

Topics: Prevention Health | Types: Article
Published on: 06/04/2017

On the Day World Championship of the Health 2017 focuses on the depression and the WHO stresses the message of that this illness you can prevent and to discuss. The depression is characterised by constant sadness, disability to work or study, decrease of the appetite and of the dream, and a general sensation of lack of hope, all of this during a period of more than two weeks. It is resultant of complex interactions between social factors, psychological and biological and who have involved adverse vital circumstances (unemployment, mourning, psychological physical injuries) have more probability of suffering. However, nobody gets away with being able to suffer her and is not a sign of weakness.

The worldwide rate of this illness has increased by 18% in a decade - according to updated details of the WHO - and although its relationship with fast changes that experience societies is not of all clear one, yes it is its causal link with the alcoholism, the suicide and the drug use.

Every year commit suicide more than 800,000 people in the world, which it turns this disorder in the second death cause in the age group between 15 and 29 years. Between the 70 and 80 per cent of these suicides, especially in tall income countries, correspond to people that they suffered mental disorders, with the depression as the most common one; whereas in the developing countries is one of each two cases.

The director of the Mental Health department of the WHO, Shekhar Saxena, regrets that, of general way, the national health systems still provide so little importance and resources to this illness. The cost for the world economy is 1 annual trillion dollars, calculated according to health expenses that generates the loss of productivity for the work absenteeism; and of potential, when the affected ones are children or young.

The mental health promotion as a starting point towards a healthy company

Mental health in the workplace

Mental disorders are one of the causes principals of incapacity to work in developed countries and according to a study carried out by the European Association for the Depression (EDA), 1 out of 10 employees was had ausentado of the work for suffering depression*.

According to data from Mutua Universal, extracted starting from the analysis of cases between insured worker' town, the depression, the anxiety and problems of adjustment are disorders with more consumer spending of work days on sick leave after the sciatica and the lumbago.

“In our society there are still prejudices about which it can represent the depression which it causes that many cases are not diagnosed nor receive a suitable processing and is stigmatised, also, to the people that they suffer it. Between all must contribute to create a culture that understands that the majority of the mental illnesses that they exist in the working population are treatable and in many cases can prevent” points out Marta Luz Blanco, technical director of the Unit of Mutua Universal's Psychology. “Following on from this, it charges special importance the role of companies in the prevention and care of the mental health of the workers via the promotion of work atmospheres healthy”, adds Blanco.

As for the workplace it is necessary to give a step forward and with an all-inclusive vision: on one hand, it is necessary to manage pyschosocial risks to improve the level of stress in the workers; and in a complementary way, to promote the mental health, via the internalisation and the learning of resources that help namely to use tensions of the day by day. It would be to understand and to focus the mental health promotion in the company as a foundation of the individual well-being and of the efficient operation group.

Mutua Universal, that it works in the prevention, promotion and care of that one of the workers’ health and associated companies, carries out different activities both preventive and welfare with the aim of contributing to improve the boarding and stress management and to achieve environments of more healthy work in the future.