Audit Committee and Fulfillment
Body with powers delegated by the Board of Directors

Published on: 26/10/2015

Created in 2008, the Audit Committee and Fulfillment sees to to supervise the internal control, the risk management and compliance with standards of the organisation, as well as the result of the audits and the internal audit function. Additionally has as a mission to promote the application of the Code of Conduct and the Handbook of Risk Prevention Penintentiaries, looking after its fulfillment and acting as a body of control. 

Similarly, during 2017, its functions are seen extended when practicing of operation supervisors and Model fulfillment of Prevention of Criminal offences established in the Company, as well as, of the effectiveness of associated internal controls. 

Voluntarily, assumes existing recommendations on the corporate governance, introducing great transparency criteria, risk management and of balance between the relationship of audit and management. Its activity frame emanates mostly of the Unified Code of Good Governance, and of the Frame for the Professional Practice of the Internal Audit. Its composition and operation is established in the Regulations of the Audit Committee and Fulfillment. Currently all its member people belong to the Board Of directors of the company.