Heart attack

Published on: 12/12/2014
Heart attack


The heart is a muscle and therefore, in order to be able to contract, it requires a continuous supply of oxygen. It receives this supply from the coronary arteries that surround the heart and are divided into branches that penetrate the wall of this organ.

If an obstacle (thrombus) partially or totally obstructs some of these arteries, the blood cannot arrive and it does not receive its necessary supply of oxygen. When this happens, we talk about a heart attack and depending on whether the blockage is total or partial, the symptoms and consequences vary.

Partial blockage (angina pectoris)

An oppressive, intense pain in the centre of the chest that usually radiates to the left arm appear with the effort, when cells require more oxygen and they do not get enough, it eases when the effort ceases.

Total blockage (coronary)

It appears whether or not there has been effort. Besides the pain in the chest, it is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as breathlessness, paleness, cold sweat, nausea or vomiting, alteration of the vital signs.


  • Absolute rest, the affected individual should not carry out any effort, no matter how minimal, so as not to worsen the symptoms.
  • Control of the vital signs, in such cases cardiac arrest is very frequent.
  • People that have already had a heart attack on a previous occasion and have been prescribed a specific medicine should be given this medicine.
  • Must be brought to hospital urgently.