Work reintegration programme
Mutua Universal offers its injured workers and its families a social work service with the aim of attending different needs that they can present after the work-related accident or the occupational disease.
Some needs principals that presents the injured person and its closer family unit are:
- Work and social integration.
- Security and protection. Attention to basic economic needs of the family unit (property, diet, studies of the descendants, etc.).
- Personal and quality of life autonomy.
In many cases, the access to a work position is the best way of covering these needs. For that reason Mutua Universal has a programa of work member reintegration that offers to the people accidentedas: advice, orientation and accompaniment in the search for work.
Programme objective
Promote, in the measure in which the situation allows it, the reorientation, reintegration and integration work member. Innovating constantly to adapt us to the emerging needs of injured workers people and its families.
- Workers and workers that after suffering a work-related accident or occupational disease have been or they will be suffering from degree of disability that them will prevent to return to carry out its usual work activity.
- Hard-working people that, after suffering a work-related accident or occupational disease, have lost its employment during the retrieval process and are found in risk situation of social exclusion (older people of 45 years, single parent families, etc.).
- Direct relatives of workers in disability or deceased situation after suffering a work-related accident.
Development of the programme
The programme is initiated with a customised interview with the team of social work, whose objective is to know the profile of the person user and its main needs.

Regardless of the option of the programme through which is chosen, the team of social work will carry out accompaniment and follow-up of the case.
Initial interview social work
Initial interview by team of social work to consider of the social-family situation of the injured person.
Starting from here, will be able to:
- Direct towards the appeal more suitable to the situation.
- Provide information on resources and provisions.
- Support in the performance of procedures: disability assessment application, unemployment, grants, etc.
Workshops for the improvement of the employability
Workshops made by the team of social work of Mutua Universal to promote and improve, of a dynamic way and participatory, the employability of insured workers people that they participate in the programme.
- Provide the shift of attitude towards the employment within the personal project of each participant to help to detect and promote the personal resources that provide the work reintegration.
- Give instruments for an efficient and systematic search for work, promoting the development of the people' speaking skills participants to improve its interpersonal relationships and for ende its active search of employment.
- You can carry out in a customised or group way and of way in person or data transmission.
Collaboration with specialised companies
Collaboration with companies specialised in the work reintegration of disabled people or at risk of social exclusion so that they carry out, together with the them, a training itinerary for its return to the job market .
Follow-up is made set of gained achievements.
Education grants aimed at the work reintegration
Collected in the Resolution of the Directorate General of Ordainment of the Social Security Institute through which the regime of application of complementary provisions is established of the Article 96.1 B) of the Legislative Law of the Social Security Act.
The aim of these aids is to defray to the hard-working person the expenses brought about by the performance of professional training courses aimed at to improve its training or to provide its reintegration in the social aspects of work.
Community Universal
- Workshops and meeting.
- News of interest.
- Training and Employment.
- Offers Employment.
If you want more information get in touch with