Legal notice Takes care your voice

Published on: 03/08/2015

Tax identification

In compliance with Article 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and of E-commerce Services, it is hereby declared that MUTUAL UNIVERSAL MUGENAT, Social Society Mutual Society Nº 10 (hereinafter MUTUA UNIVERSAL), with VAT NUMBER G08242463, has its registered office and district attorney in Av. Tibidabo 17-19, 08022 Barcelona and e-mail address

General Terms and Conditions

The use of the Care application “of the voice”, hereinafter the APPLICATION, involves expresses it and full acceptance of the conditions here exposed. MUTUAL UNIVERSAL reserves the right to modify them at any time.

The user promises to use the application according to the law, the morals, the health and the public safety, and to maintain indemne to MUTUAL UNIVERSAL of all claim derived from the non-compliance of any of these obligations.

The user is compelled to use contents (details, texts, images, informations, charts or links) that they appear in the APPLICATION, according to exclusive ends of the same, so much if the ownership corresponds to MUTUAL UNIVERSAL, as to third parties, and to not to modify her, to reproduce her or to distribute her in any way.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

MUTUAL UNIVERSAL is titular of all industrial property rights and intellectual of the code source and of all the material published in the APPLICATION, such as graphic designs, images, contents and other elements.

To part of the simple download and storage in the device of the person user, is strictly forbidden to modify, to distribute, to reuse or to forward all or part of the content of the APPLICATION for public character intentions or agent without the MUTUAL SOCIETY'S written authorisation UNIVERSAL.

Activities that breach the aforementioned provisions may constitute a violation of the intellectual and industrial property protection rights under the Revised Text of the Spanish Intellectual Property Law (Texto Refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual - TRLPI), giving rise to the offences set forth in Articles 270, et seq. and related articles of the Spanish Penal Code currently in force.

Use of cookies

The use of the APPLICATION takes unspoken the acceptance of analytical cookies, own or third-party, which MUTUAL SOCIETY is been useful to monitor and improve the experience of the user. The complete information with respect to cookies is found in the Privacy policy and Mutua Universal's Cookies.

This application takes place within the framework of Plan General of Preventive activities of the Social Security Institute. Its contents pursue only to promote and to promote the adoption of healthy habits and a preventive attitude by users to those which se dirige.En no case substitutes recommendations or guidelines of a health worker