Telematic communication authorisation

Published on: 23/02/2016

I AUTHORISE to Mutual Society Universal-Mugenat, Collaborative Mutual Society with the Social Security Institute, no. 10 (hereinafter the Mutual Society), to carry out by telematic means any communication referring to the management of the welfare processes and/or on-going provisions with this Mutual Society, while they last the same and it remains my connection with her, including access, enquiry, management, notifications and notifications, all of this without prejudice to the possibility of revocation of the present authorisation, that I will be able to practice at any time.

This authorisation is spread to the shipment of informations that they can be of my interest related to habits of health or other matters framed within its field of collaboration with the Social Security Institute.

I promise to notify to the Mutual Society any variation in the mobile phone number or facilitated email, in the term more brief possible.

I have been duly informed about the possibility to exercise my rights to access, rectify, delete, limit, oppose and/or on portability by writing to the Data Protection Officer (DPO) of Mutua Universal at the following email: or by mail to the following address: Av. Tibidabo, 17-19, (08022) Barcelona.

I have also been informed on my right to submit a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), through its website: