PRL. Obligations of the company and of Foreign Prevention services. Criteria for the selection of a SPA.

10.00 - 11.30 am


  • Associated companies. Associated self-employed workers people.

Given by

PAULA MARIA RODRIGUEZ MEDINAOccupational Hazard Prevention Technician


Technical meeting


Explain and differentiate clearly the obligations of company and SPA, so that the company management:
- Take conscience of that the PRL you can not outsource completely
- Knows which are activities that it owes develop by herself or its staff
- Is in willingness of deciding its organisational model of prevention
- Knows what and when owes demand at the service of foreign prevention (if this has been its choice)


Responsibilites of the employer and the external risk prevention service.
Activities to be made by the company.
Activities to be made by the employee injury prevention service.
Reception and processing of the documentation.

Online session