Juan Echevarría Puig
Chairman Board of Directors

Managerial Chairman of the Board of Mutua Universal

Degree in Law, graduated in Higher Business Studies from the IESE Business School at the University of Navarra and in Industrial Relations from the University of Massachussets.

Lecturer University of Barcelona. Director Colegio Mayor San Jorge, University of Barcelona. Chairman Social Council, Pompeu Fabra University. Represents "Echevarría y Asociados Asesores, SL".

Spanish Government Director General of Posts and Telecommunications. Adviser to the Banco Internacional de Comercio. Founder and member of the Executive Committee of the CEOE. Chairman of Nissan Motor Ibérica, S.A. Chairman EBRO-KUBOTA. Director of Mutua General de Seguros. Chairman of Fuerzas Eléctricas de Cataluña, SA (FECSA). Chairman of Cable y Televisión de Cataluña, SA (MENTA). ENDESA's deputy chairman, S.A. Member of the Board of the “Port Autònom of Barcelona”. Deputy chairman of the Barcelona World Trade Center.