Elizabeth Trallero Santamaría
Member - Secretary
Economist and MBA at ESADE. Global CEO IESE-WHARTON-CEIBS Business School Programme (Sao Paolo, Philadelphia, Shanghai, Cape Town, Accra, Singapore and Jakarta). Instituto de Consejeros- Administradores (ICA).
She is currently the CEO at Congost Plastic, S.A.
Her career highlights include management roles at Smiling, S.A. (1990-present), Sealy Break, S.A. (1997-1998), and La Compañia de Regalos y Promociones (1990-95). Lecturer in Global Marketing & International Business (1982-present). Independent advisor at AON and member of the Spanish Association of Directors (AED), the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Barcelona, the Spanish Plastics Centre (CEP), and in the Spanish Association of Plastics Industries (ANAIP).