The book tours the path of Mutua Universal from its creation in 1907 until current affairs , as well as the evolution of the mutual societies' sector collaborators with the Social Security Institute, key companies in the maintenance of the system of Social Security Institute.
Its author is the historian and writer Pere A. Fàbregas, specialist in history of companies, companies, institutions and characters, and current chairman of the Catalan Coordinating committee of Fundacions.
"The history of mutual societies in Spain –particularly, the path of Mutua Universal–, it is a case of success of collaboration public-private at the service of citizens", the author explains in the video-interview that you can see below.
The book ‘Mutua Universal. Más de un siglo de proximidad y servicio (1907-2020)’ written by the historian Pere A. Fàbregas has resulted winner equally in the 30th edition of the Premy Bonaplata 2022 in the category Premy Estudis that it calls the Associació of the Museu of the Ciència i of the Tècnica i d’Arqueologia Industrial of Catalonia.
The category Premy Estudis of the Premy Bonaplata is directed to original works related to the study of the life and work activities and social of all the estamentos social of a company.
The actual Mutua Universal was born in 1907, under the initial denomination of InsuranceGeneral Mutual Society, for initiative of a group of employers led by Trinidad Rius and Josep Mansana, its first two chairmen.
"Over the course of several decades, Mutua Universal became the most important company in the work-related accident sector in Spain, thanks to its aim to provide healthcare services throughout Spain, and which still continues today," explained Pere A. Fàbregas.
In the last two decades, emphasises especially the boost that they have given to the Company its current chairman, Juan Echevarría, and Managing Director, Juan Güell:
"Mutua Universal is a forward-looking organisation, based on high quality, efficient and cutting-edge technologically service."
In the final chapter, the book lists the key milestones in the recent history of the Company and the sector, such as the approval of the Mutual Societies Act of 2014, the development of compliance and internal audit resources, the process of corporate mergers in the sector, and the key role of mutual societies in recent months in support to the Social Security system in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The work links the history of Mutua Universal with the leading events in the history of Spain and the evolution of the sector of mutual societies collaborating with the Social Security Institute. Between critical periods for the sector, the author emphasises the first work-related injury insurance law (1900), that it supposed the creation of the first mutual societies, the standard that it turned to insurance of work in compulsory (1932), the Outline law of the Social Security Institute (1963) and, in the following decades, the progressive new functions adoption by mutual societies in its collaboration work with the Social Security Institute .
Más de un siglo de proximidad y servicio (1907-2020)