Vaccination programmes
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Participate in vaccination programmes

Comply with the vaccination according to guidelines of the calendar of vaccination established in every country for every specific age group and needs.
Worldwide, for adults aged 19 to 64, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following vaccinations: tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, human papillomavirus, measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, influenza, pneumococcal disease, hepatitis A and B, meningococcal disease, and shingles.
Vaccination recommendations for adults:
- “Centre for Disease Control and Prevention” (CDC)
- Adjustment of the vaccine calendar in Spain
For the adult population with certain chronic diseases and other situations that can increase the risk of having certain vaccine-preventable diseases, these organizations also recommend an adaptation of the systematic immunization calendar that includes not only the vaccinations recommended by age, but also the immunizations indicated for the basic pathology, pregnancy, and state of health.
Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety
Finally, each country should establish vaccination recommendations for adults with certain occupational exposure, including those involved in healthcare, teaching, food handling, clinical laboratories, microbiology, civil protection, military personnel, cleaning staff in contact with waste, people in contact with wild animals, and those who travel, etc.
With regard to health protection for travellers, the WHO and the ministries of health in various countries propose making some vaccines mandatory and recommending others, as well as taking the necessary therapeutic measures to tackle communicable diseases endemic in certain countries.
For this reason, when you have to travel somewhere in the world where vaccination programmes are not fully established and certain infectious and communicable diseases are present, you should consult the guidelines of the ministries of health of each of the country you will visit. In Spain, this type of information can be found on the following website