How can improve my posture?

Published on: 29/08/2018

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Although the professional staff of the health and media informs broadly on possible risks that it entails not to use a bodily suitable mechanic, the fact is that people rarely adopt hygiene and ergonomic measures postural.

Apply the well-known preventive measures entails to take conscience of the postures or own movements, to dedicate a time to take opportune precautions and to overcome the immediate discomfort to adopt them.

Some people educadorss explain that the fact of not adopting these measures is related to the assessment of the short-term profit.

Thus, many a time, the immediate profit is predominated (to dedicate the smaller time and possible effort) above the long-term investment with preventive measures that, in the long run, result more beneficial for the health.

Taking conscience of the posture

Apply the bodily mechanic to the various activities. During the day, are carried out various activities that entail bodily movement infinitude. The adoption of a bodily mechanic correct, that is, the maintenance of postures and the performance of movements in which the musculo-skeletal system is aligned with joints, guarantees a decrease of stress and of energetic expenditure.

To prevent injuries, first it is necessary to take conscience of the posture and of own movements and, later on, to take the decision of correcting and to endeavor to achieve it. 

Maintaining an adjusted weight in the height

Maintain an adjusted weight to the height. A caloric excessive allowance without enough physical activity generates overweight or obesity. The excess weight, in addition to to take away agility, transmits a build-up in tension and from the pressure to the joints of the muscular and skeletal system, with harmful consequences that they can derive in precocious arthrosis and in a great facility for the injuries of the system locomotor.

In turn, the physical activity does that it increases the cellular metabolism, when increasing caloric losses, necessary to go down strong.

Healthy diet: recommendations  

Taking care the environment

Besides postural patterns, conditions of the environment influence in the movement. Thus, for example, an environmental hot temperature will tend to to relax the muscular tone and movements will be slower. But when the person feels cold, increases its muscular tone and it adopts a tense posture.

Conditions of the environment also can affect the bodily mechanic. The technology has favoured an artificial environment full of objects and tools to improve the well-being. People have to adapt its movements to use these tools and objects, which it can entail an ill use of the musculoskeletal structure and function. Movements and postures that they are carried out in the workplace, domestic and of leisure are associated, often, to non suitable sequences for the bodily mechanic, for example, to lift pesos, to lift objects from the land repeatedly, contorsionar the body when lifting an object, be standing in a prolonged way, to do estiramientos forced to reach an object, to do static flexions of the trunk, etc.

Lots of these movements are done automatically and they cause a prominent effort of some muscular groups; tensions in the muscles and ligaments, and a great load on certain bones, ligaments and tendons, that it can produce pain, muscular fatigue and deformities. A bodily alignment and a bodily inadequate mechanic are some causes of nuisances in the back. The health professionals plan educational softwares on how to carry out movements, how to catch and to move objects and pesos and what postures are the more suitable to sit down, both in the workplace and in the domestic one. A good mechanic and a bodily correct alignment require less effort muscular to get around and remain, and they achieve to minimise the tension in the muscles, ligaments and bones.

Practicing a suitable physical type of activity

The physical activity includes all bodily movements or activities that demand some energetic requirements higher than those of the state of rest. The human organisation is very complex and it allows a numerous one range of different activities that entail the performance of physical activity. It is for this reason that you can talk of numerous physical types of activity according to the point of view give which is analysed. The physical types of activity submitted to continuation are those which now appropriate to summon has been considered; obviously, there is others. In addition, you can analyse of different way according to objectives of the classification: 


     1.  Physical types of activity according to the via energetic required 

  • Aerobic physical activity 
  • Physical activity anaeróbica

     2.  Physical types of activity according to movements

  • General physical activity 
  • Specific physical activity (or laboratory test)  

     3.  Physical types of activity according to skills (or qualities) physics developed

  • Resistencia 
  • Flexibility 
  • Speed 
  • Force

    4.  Physical types of activity according to the intensity

  • Insignificant physical activity 
  • Light physical activity 
  • Moderate physical activity 
  • Vigorous physical activity 
  • Excessive physical activity

    5.  Physical types of activity according to the objective

  • Well-being (wellness) 
  • Be in a good shape (fitness) 
  • Yield 
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Recovery 
  • Readjustment

    6.  Physical types of activity according to its intentionality

  • Physical activity 
  • Informal physical exercise 
  • Formal physical exercise