In this coverage you offer specialised welfare services and financial assistance that you help when you are of leave from work and need a medical efficient reply, as well as to receive an economic support before your income reduction for not being able to to work.
When an accident work-related injury is considered?
- When a caused bodily injury is suffered for an injury, blow or illness, consequences is had or mental or psychological illnesses are suffered
- The injury does not constitute, on its own, a work-related accident. The accident that it causes it owes be consequence of the work, with a relationship of causality direct between work-injury.
What do we offer you?
All-inclusive medical care for your fast recovery
- Specialists and professionals with major experience.
- Free drugstore.
- Techniques more innovative and means of more advanced diagnosis.
- Welfare network with 136 centres across the Whole of Spain.
- Medical care 24 telephonic and online hours.
- Hospitable ER.
- Hospitalisation / Surgical Procedures.
A financial assistance to alleviate your income reduction
- 75% of your contribution basis from the next day to the one of the cancellation until your hospital admission.
- Its duration is not conditioned to the type of processing and it has a limit of 1 year, extendible 180 days if your healing is planned.
Other economic advantages
- Ta will save the fee of self-employed worker starting from the second cancellation month. We pay it to you even when receive the registration.
- If are woman, within 24 months subsequent to the provision of maternity leave, have the option of a flat rate of 60 euros during 12 months without the need for previously stop in your activity.