Territorial centres and coverage

Published on: 10/02/2016
Territorial centres and coverage
The establishment of a centre in all provinces enables us to offer proximate, direct treatment

Our healthcare understands the immediate care at the time of the accident, successive enquiries and the subsequent rehabilitation providing the medical casualty departments, outpatient and hospitable assistance and specialities practitioner-surgical in all health centres.

The healthcare network consists of 133 work centres, two hospital control centres in Madrid and Barcelona, and two mutual society hospitals in Bilbao and Valencia.

Healthcare centres

Help centres, certificates with the ISO Standard 9001:2008, in addition to to attend to the staff of injured work, are facilities optimum to carry out services of rehabilitation, functional and outdoor relief recovery.

A reasoned assistance for patients

In our help centre the/patients sonel focus of attention. A real professional team in medicine, nursing and rehabilitation it sees about its total recovery.

Reference hospital control areas

We have our own surgical teams in large, especially accredited hospitals in Madrid and Barcelona, equipped with all the medical specialities, modern diagnosis and treatment equipment and a 24 / 365 casualty department.

  • Madrid: Sanatorio Nuestra Señora del Rosario
    Madrid: Sanatorio Nuestra Señora del Rosario
  • Barcelona: Hospital HM Delfos
    Barcelona: Hospital HM Delfos

Our hospital centres have an independent area.

With specific areas and facilities for our medical and surgical teams where we look after the medical emergencies, surgery and programmed hospitalisation.

Intermutual hospitals

  • Bilbao Hospital Intermutual de Euskadi
  • Valencia Hospital de Recuperación y Rehabilitación de Levante